4 Recipes Rich In Fiber To Take Care Of Your Digestion

Foods rich in fiber should always be included in a balanced diet, since the key to enjoying good health is moderation.

When it comes to high fiber recipes, it is generally interpreted that these are going to be rich in oats. However, the truth is that you do not necessarily have to resort to this cereal, there are many other options.

Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are also high-fiber foods; a type of nutrient that promotes muscle contractions that help process food and hydrate the body.

Therefore, fiber is very beneficial for gastrointestinal health, but also for the cardiovascular system. Now, when talking about fiber, we must distinguish between two types:

  • The insoluble one, which is found in cereals and fruits, and improves intestinal transit.
  • The soluble one, which is contained in legumes or vegetables and favors the slow absorption of fats. It also regulates cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

Brown rice, rye bread, and oatmeal are the most popular fiber foods. And, within the fruits, you can mention the apple, the banana, the pears, in addition to the nuts.

When it comes to vegetables, the most popular for their high fiber content are artichokes, beans, chickpeas, lentils and peas.

Here are four recipes rich in fiber to take care of your digestion.

1. Carrot salad


  • 1 pinch of salt.
  • 2 beets
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 6 chopped walnuts.
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (30 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (20 ml).
  • Side: 2 slices of whole wheat toasted oat bread.


  1. Place a pot of water to boil.
  2. Peel and cut the carrots into thin sticks.
  3. Cut the beets into small cubes.
  4. Cook the carrots and beets in the pot.
  5. In a medium bowl, pour the oil and add the lemon, salt and crushed garlic.
  6. Add the carrots, beets and walnuts.
  7. Mix well and let it rest for a while for the ingredients to integrate.
  8. Serve the salad with two slices of toasted whole wheat bread.

2. Vegetable pancakes

The great thing about most high-fiber recipes is that they can be served with a variety of meals. For example, the following pancakes can be served as a side or enjoyed alone for a snack or breakfast. Everything will depend on what is decided!


  • 1 large green banana.
  • 3 cups of lentils (450 g).
  • 2 medium eggs (120 g).
  • Salt, pepper and garlic (to taste).
  • 2 ½ cups of cooked rice (500 g).
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour (30 g).
  • Vegetable oil (the necessary amount).


  1. The rice is cooked as usual. Besides, the same is done with the green banana.
  2. The banana is cut into slices or small cubes.
  3. In a large cup, place the cooked rice and the cooked green banana.
  4. Add the lentils, previously cooked and drained, the flour and the well beaten eggs.
  5. It is seasoned and the garlic is added while everything is mixed until obtaining a homogeneous mass.
  6. Once the dough is ready, we proceed to make small cakes with our hands. They are taken to fry.
  7. When they are moderately toasted, they are placed on a plate with absorbent paper and then served.

3. Chickpea salad with spinach and cod

Among the recipes rich in fiber, one of the most delicious is this chickpea salad with spinach and cod; ideal to enjoy lunch or dinner.


  • 1 red tomato
  • Vegetable oil.
  • 1 fresh carrot.
  • 500 grams of cod.
  • Salt, pepper (to taste).
  • 1 cup of chickpeas (150 g).
  • 1/2 cup of spinach (100 g).
  • 7 and a half tablespoons of raisins (75 g).
  • 7 and a half tablespoons of pine nuts (75 g).


  1. Previously seasoned, the cod is placed in the pan with a little oil until it is lightly browned.
  2. In a bowl, place the raisins in a little warm water to hydrate them.
  3. In another pan, put the pine nuts to toast for three minutes. It is constantly stirred to avoid burning.
  4. The tomato and carrot, previously peeled, are cut into small pieces and sautéed with the garlic.
  5. The oil is removed.
  6. The sauce is added to the previously cooked chickpeas and seasoned to taste.
  7. Place the spinach in the oil of the sauce and place the raisins and pine nuts on them. Cook over low heat for 6 minutes.
  8. Chickpeas are served, spinach leaves on top and cod on top.

4. Fig cakes with almonds

One of the snack options within the fiber-rich recipes is this preparation with figs and nuts. It should be noted that, to avoid resorting to sugar in its preparation, it can be substituted for honey or agave syrup.


  • 6 figs.
  • 1 cup of flour (150 g).
  • 1 cup of butter (150 g).
  • 3 medium eggs (180 g).
  • 1 and a half cups of brown sugar (200 g).
  • 1 cup of ground almonds (150 g).
  • 2 teaspoons of baking powder (10 g).


  1. The oven is preheated to 180 ºC.
  2. The eggs are beaten until stiff.
  3. Apart, melt the butter and mix with the sugar and ground almonds.
  4. The flour and yeast are sifted and added to the previous mixture.
  5. Everything is processed with the hand mixer until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  6. Meanwhile, the figs are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  7. The mixture is distributed in the baking molds. On the surface of each mold, the pieces of figs are placed, as a decoration.
  8. The cupcakes are cooked in the oven until golden brown.
  9. They are removed and allowed to cool to room temperature before unmolding.

To consider

To consume the necessary fiber ration at breakfast, it is recommended to consume fruits with the whole grain cereal of your choice , accompanied with skimmed milk or plain yogurt.

When it comes to snacks, these can always be varied. The key is to take advantage of seasonal fruits and to find new combinations to create new recipes rich in fiber and other nutrients.

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