8 Reasons Why You Should Have Apple Cider Vinegar On Hand

Apple cider vinegar is a product of daily use that is usually used for various gastronomic and medicinal purposes.

It is obtained through a fermentation process, in which the natural sugars in the apple are converted into alcohol and later transformed into vinegar.

It is believed to have been used since ancient times as an alternative treatment and nutritional supplement, but it was only in 1950 that it began to gain worldwide fame after appearing in the book “Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor’s Guide to Good Health” by Dr. DC Jarvis.

Today many people are taking advantage of its qualities to improve health, lose weight and prevent the development of various types of diseases.

However, it is essential to take into account that their benefits vary according to their quality, since in the market they offer pasteurized presentations that lose much of their nutritional qualities.

The best variety is the one that is 100% organic, unfiltered or processed.

Taking into account that many still do not have it in their pantry because they consider that its uses are limited to the kitchen, below we are going to reveal other good reasons to always have it on hand.

Do not miss it!

1. Helps to lose weight

Errors when losing weight

The acetic acid it contains has a positive effect on reducing body weight and eliminating abdominal fat.

Although its consumption should be moderate and it is not a miracle remedy, including it in the daily diet reduces the risk of obesity.

How to use?

  • Dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and consume it on an empty stomach every day.

2. Relieves fungus on the skin

Vinegar is effective in eliminating the fungus called Candida albicans which is one of the biggest triggers of this skin disorder.

How to use?

  • Add two to three cups of apple cider vinegar to the bath water and soak for about 15 minutes.
  • You can also dilute equal parts of vinegar and water, and apply it to the affected area with a cotton ball.

3. Relieves night cramps

The annoying night cramps that affect the legs are often caused by a potassium deficiency.

This ingredient provides significant amounts of this mineral, which is why it acts as a preventive of this annoying symptom.

How to use?

  • Dilute two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and consume it before bed.

    4. Regulates blood sugar levels

    Type 2 diabetes patients can benefit from the nutrients in apple cider vinegar, as it helps control high blood sugar levels.

    Consuming it every night before sleeping manages to reduce sugar peaks by up to 6%, by interfering with insulin levels.

    How to use?

    • Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it half an hour before going to bed.

    5. Improves digestion

    Improves digestion

    It contains a type of fiber, called pectin, which helps improve the digestion of food for proper absorption of nutrients and the expulsion of waste.

    Consuming it in small amounts keeps constipation at bay and prevents digestive discomforts such as inflammation.

    How to use?

    • You can take it diluted in water, or add it to your salad dressing.

    6. Facilitates the removal of warts

    The acid it contains, added to its antiseptic properties, makes it a natural remedy against unsightly warts.

    How to use?

    • Dip a piece of cotton in the product and then apply it with a bandage on the affected area.
    • Repeat the treatment every night and in a few days you will see the results.

    7. Provides vitality and energy

    Taking some apple cider vinegar can also give your body a boost of energy to improve your physical and mental performance.

    How to use?

    • Add two tablespoons of the product to a glass of cold water and consume it when you feel tired.

    8. Reduces the appearance of varicose veins

    Although there is still a lack of scientific evidence to prove it, the application of apple cider vinegar on varicose veins has a positive effect that improves blood flow and reduces inflammation.

    How to use?

    • Prepare a solution with two parts of apple cider vinegar and one of water, submerge a clean gauze and cover the affected area with it.
    • Let it act for 30 minutes and rinse.
    • Use it every day.

    In conclusion, it is a very versatile product that can be useful against many discomforts. Do not hesitate to buy it the next time you go to the market.



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