How To Take Advantage Of The Corners Of Small Houses?

Today it is common to find small houses.  In effect, the reduction of spaces, the large number of people who live in cities and the pace of life make houses increasingly  smaller .

Like everything in life, it has a good part and a bad part. On the one hand, you have to get used to living in fewer meters and the space should be better organized. On the other, among the advantages, we can mention that the cleaning is faster, the accumulation of unnecessary objects is avoided and it allows to be in greater contact with the inhabitants of the house.

It may seem impossible to get organized and live in such a small place. However, this is not exactly the case. If you take advantage of every corner and give it functionality, you can place new furniture in places where there was nothing and where you had not noticed.

Here are some ideas that you cannot miss:

Tips for living rooms and dining rooms of small houses

Normally, small houses have the living room and the dining room in the same room.  Therefore, the furniture must be adapted very well and not put too many objects. Defining and marking each area with a table or lamp will help to delimit the spaces and make them more harmonious. Take note of these tips for the hidden corners of your living room or dining room:

  • Functional tables. Choose tables that serve a second function, such as those with drawers or shelves on one side. This will allow items to be saved to them.
  • Wardrove. Place cabinets where possible. If you have a free space, no matter how small it may seem, a closet can help to locate books, ornaments or items that are needed within easy reach.
  • Armchairs with drawers. Under the armchairs there is usually always an unused space. Put some large drawers and store there all kinds of things that you do not want to be around the house.
  • Put hooks and shelves on the walls. If there is a wall that is practically empty, you can put some hooks to hang the coats and purses and above them a small shelf. In a place that is passing through, it will be very useful.
  • Mirrors. Place mirrors to enlarge the space, especially in those that have little lighting.

Take advantage of the windows

It is good to take advantage of the spaces in small houses

Windows are an important part of the environment. Indeed, thanks to them you can connect with the outside and allow the entry of light and air, essential for the home. If these do not cover the entire wall, you can find free spaces in them to place some type of accessory that helps to have more spaces to store things.

  • Shelves above the windows. You can put a shelf that spans the width of the window and put books on it.
  • Use the middle part of the window. Whether it reaches the floor or reaches the middle of the wall, you can place a small desk attached to it.
  • Use the lower part of the window to place an armchair. You can make a custom armchair and put drawers under it, thus obtaining two functions in the same furniture.

    Tips for kitchens in small houses

    Kitchen utensils and appliances are more and more. In this sense, having everything in order and everything in its place helps to optimize time when preparing food. Take note of these tips to get the most out of every kitchen spot:

    • Place shelves  in the high and free areas. It will be extremely practical for you.
    • Use baskets. They are very comfortable and help to maintain order in the cabinets.
    • Place metal hooks or baskets on cupboard doors. Increase the save place.

    Small bedrooms

    Modular beds for the children's room

    For small bedrooms with little space, we can also adapt the above ideas. In case the bed occupies most of the space, we will have to engineer it to use the free spaces that are below and above it.

    • A great idea is to put drawers or drawers under the bed, as it is a large and hidden place.
    • Shelves can also be  put over the head of the bed.

    In conclusion, there  are always unoccupied places even in the smallest house; Take advantage of them and give them a specific function as well as a decorative one.

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