6 Things That Happen To You When You Have Excess Sodium In Your Body

Excessive sodium intake can make us feel more thirsty and, in turn, that we retain excess fluids, by hindering the work of the kidneys.

Salt is essential for the proper functioning of the body. However, it should always be consumed in moderation. Consumption Indiscriminate sodium or salt can be harmful to certain systems of the human body . In fact, excess sodium causes serious damage to the kidneys, brain, and other organs.

What happens then when there is an excess of sodium chloride in the blood? Well, next we will tell you some of the effects that the abusive consumption of salt causes in the body.

1. Swelling

Excess sodium can cause edema (fluid retention) in the body. That is, the presence of swelling in the hands, feet, arms, legs, or face.

This is due to the direct impact that salt has on the kidneys , since it causes its normal operation to be interrupted. As a consequence, potassium and sodium are retained in the body.

Therefore, an accumulation of fluids is generated that is reflected in the form of inflammation.

2. You want to drink a lot of water

Excess sodium will cause dehydration, so you will have an immense desire to drink water all the time, as indicated in an article published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism . This happens because the body tries to balance the balance between water and sodium .

The detail is that drinking a lot of water can worsen the condition of edema, since it can cause greater fluid retention. Dry lips are also another symptom.

3. Accelerated heart rate

Woman with fast heartbeat.

Over time, high amounts of salt can cause high blood pressure and increase the risk of some type of heart disease, such as a fast heartbeat or tachycardia.

This is attributed to the lack of absorption of potassium by the kidneys . As a result, the blood becomes thicker. In the long term you can experience serious circulation problems.

4. Excessive urge to urinate

People with excess sodium in the body generally have a greater urge to urinate, which also affects bone mass production. Ingesting large amounts of this mineral may increase the risk of osteoporosis, according to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism .

By urinating excessively, the body discards part of the body’s calcium stores , causing weakness in the bones and teeth. In addition to this, the malfunction of the kidneys will create disorders in the urination process, causing in some cases the fact of wanting to urinate more, and not being able to do so.

5. Stomach upset or appearance of ulcers

Too much sodium can cause stomach ulcers and lead to infections and indigestion.

Some doctors indicate that sodium chloride enters the mucosa that lines the inner part of the stomach. However, there are no studies that support this fact as such.  

6. Havoc on behavior or brain

Tired woman with lack of concentration

High salt intake can affect cognitive reasoning levels. A common thing is that the nervous system sends you signals that you need to consume more salt or that you are more susceptible and irritable.

Avoid excess sodium, but do not eliminate it completely

With all the above, we do not want to say that sodium consumption should be condemned. Salt is necessary for the well-being of the body, but if you exceed the limits of regulated consumption, you can suffer serious consequences.

What we recommend is to level the salt intake in your food , combining it with some fruits and vegetables. In this way the diet will be more balanced and balanced. In turn, t It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of foods that contain a lot of fat or that may have excess sugar , as well as avoiding leading a sedentary life.

Follow these tips and make sure you have a healthy life, without being overweight or hypertensive. With this you can live several years healthy and well.

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