6 Curious Things That Every Patient With Myopia Should Know

Although it may seem appropriate, every patient with myopia must pay attention that the prescription of their glasses is not excessive for the eye not to accommodate.

Nearsightedness is not just a vision problem. This eye disorder is related to emotions, liver, muscle tension, and lifestyle. For this reason, if we improve some of these factors, we can prevent or even improve it naturally.

Discover in this article 6 curiosities, surprising facts and simple and effective tips that every patient with myopia should know. We must not resign ourselves to this disorder, but take advantage of it to change some things in our lifestyle and begin to see better.

6 curiosities about myopia

1. The nearsighted person is afraid of the future

Visual stress or myopia

There are different theories that suggest that any health problem is related to emotional issues. The psychological perspective is not always the cause of the disorder, but it is usually a factor that acts as a conditioning or trigger.

Myopia, as we know, is the difficulty to see well from afar. In this sense, on an emotional level it is related to fear of the future . This fear can be evident in the person or be something that nests in the subconscious.

2. Vision problems and liver weakness

According to traditional Chinese medicine, all problems that affect the eyes reveal a weakness in liver function. The factors that most affect this organ are diet, stress, anger, alcohol and pollution.

To improve liver function we can consume bitter foods (artichoke, dandelion, turmeric, milk thistle, boldo, arugula, etc.) and try to lead a life as healthy as possible. We can also apply heat to the liver area for a while each night before going to bed by means of a hot water bottle or electric mat.

3. There is eye gymnastics

In the same way that we can go to the gym to strengthen the muscles of the whole body, we can also perform exercises to improve the eye muscles. In this way, we can prevent and even reverse some vision problems such as myopia or eyestrain.

Eye movements that we can do daily:

  • Circles in both directions
  • From side to side
  • From top to bottom
  • In diagonal
  • Look with both eyes towards the nose, cross-eyed
  • Squeeze your eyes tightly and relax

4. Beware of putting more graduation

When we already have myopia, it is usual that we have to choose between glasses or contact lenses. The choice will depend on our lifestyle and our comfort. However, we should pay attention to regular visits to the ophthalmologist.

Some professionals may recommend graduating glasses or contact lenses a little higher than what we need with the justification of relaxing the eye more. However, we must bear in mind that what we will achieve is the opposite effect.

The eye will adjust to that graduation more easily and thus accelerate the increase in myopia. On the contrary, we can propose a graduation that is just below what we need.

5. Look from afar

Looking afar to improve myopia

In recent decades, myopia cases have been on the rise. One of the factors that has influenced this increase is life in cities, which has reduced our daily field of vision. How many times a day can we look from afar to train that visual ability?

Spending many hours in front of the computer, artificial lighting or the characteristics of life between buildings instead of in open spaces gradually damage our eyesight. We must not miss any opportunity to escape to other environments and enjoy the views of a sunrise, a hill, a beach, etc.

6. Reduce eye strain

Finally, the myopia patient should know that a decisive factor that worsens vision is eye strain. The force we exert inadvertently on the muscles around the eyes blocks blood flow and makes us progressively lose visual ability. In addition, it can also lead to migraines and other disorders.

In addition to performing eye gymnastics, we must become aware of how we squeeze our eyes without realizing it throughout the day. It is likely that we do it especially while we are in front of the computer or when we do not see well from a distance, although we will surely continue to do so when we go to bed.

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