Say Goodbye To Pimples And Acne With This Oatmeal And Milk Mask

Pimples and pimples associated with acne are very common skin blemishes. They appear when the pores of the skin become clogged due to the excessive production of sebum, but also due to the accumulation of dirt. In addition, beyond this, they can be caused by hormonal disorders, bacteria, stress, among other factors.

At present, many products have been developed whose purpose is to reduce or eliminate this skin problem. However, since it can have various origins, it is best to consult your dermatologist first to determine its cause.

From this, the professional can help choose an appropriate treatment according to the case. It may also suggest lifestyle changes and some basic care. As a complement, you can try some homemade masks that seem to have a positive effect.

Therefore, below we want to share in detail an oatmeal and milk mask that can be applied regularly in order to reduce the presence of pimples and acne. Do you dare to do it at home?

Oatmeal and milk mask to fight pimples and acne

Masks made with natural ingredients have been part of the beauty routine of many women around the world. Although scientific evidence is lacking, acnecdotal data suggests that they may be beneficial against the symptoms of some common dermatological problems, such as pimples and acne.

Of course, they are not a substitute for dermatologist-recommended treatments. In addition, its effects are not achieved instantly. It is necessary to use them on a regular basis to obtain benefits against these types of problems. Making this clear, we detail the benefits of oatmeal and milk for the skin.

Benefits of oats


Oats are one of the most complete cereals that nature offers us. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other important compounds. All are usable not only from a nutritional point of view, but also have topical or external application. This means: on the skin.

Even today, it is being used in commercial products to improve the appearance of the skin. And, as detailed in a review published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology , its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are useful for:

  • Fight itching.
  • Treat atopic dermatitis.
  • Fight viral infections.
  • Reduce acneiform eruptions.
  • Protection of the skin against ultraviolet rays.

Among other things, the texture of oatmeal helps to loosen dead cells and impurities from the skin. Therefore, used externally it can help reduce those acne pimples or pimples.

Benefits of milk against pimples and acne


Lactic acid and the natural fats in milk have been used since time immemorial to treat skin problems. Thus, it has been used to treat burns and acne.

Like oatmeal, milk is part of many of the beauty products that are marketed today. Its nutrients are used to take care of different types of skin.

  • Contains vitamin A, an essential ingredient to nourish and repair skin tissues.
  • For its part, as shown by a recent study published in the International Journal of Dermatology , lactic acid acts as a moisturizer, making it ideal for moisturizing the skin and restoring its softness, especially in case of sensitive skin.
  • Combined with other substances, it works as an exfoliating action enhancer. This facilitates the elimination of dead cells and other residues, which, when accumulating on the skin, cause acne.

    Note: it is important not to use it in the summer; lactic acid lowers the skin’s defenses against UV rays.

    How to prepare and apply the oatmeal and milk mask

    Milk and oatmeal mask


    • ½ cup of milk (125 ml)
    • 2 tablespoons of oats (20 g)

    Preparation and application

    • Start by mixing the oatmeal with the milk until you get a more or less thick paste.
    • Then wash your face with regular soap and lots of water.
    • Apply the mask, avoiding getting too close to your eyes.
    • Once spread throughout the skin, let it act for a few minutes at least.
    • Remove with cold water.


    Addressing dermatological problems such as pimples and acne should go hand in hand with a dermatologist due to the complexity of this skin problem. However, as a complement to the treatments suggested by the professional, you can try some natural masks such as the one made with oatmeal and milk.

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