How To Make Heart-shaped Eggs: Very Original!

Do you want to add a touch of originality and joy to your breakfasts or dinners? So maybe you should try cooking some heart-shaped eggs. In addition to being very striking to the eye, they will satisfy your appetite and add a different touch to your day. You can also interpret this beautiful presentation as a way to give yourself a little pampering.

Next, we will tell you what are the techniques that you can put into practice to prepare them. They are all really simple, however, you will have the last word once you try them. Go ahead!

1. Heart-shaped eggs, hard

At first glance, some heart-shaped eggs may seem like something difficult to achieve, but we assure you that it is a task as simple as it is fun. So much so that we are sure that you will do it on more than one occasion. Make a note of what to do.

Ingredients and materials

  • 1 hard-boiled egg
  • 2 elastic bands.
  • 1 wooden stick of 20 cm.
  • 1 piece of cardboard (20 cm x 15 cm).


    • The first thing we will do is  cook the egg, as usual.
    • Once it is cooked, we peel it quickly.
    • While it is still hot, we will prepare it in our mold to give it the desired shape, that is, the heart. And how do we get it? Very easy. What you will do is take the piece of cardboard and fold it in half, inserting the egg inside.No title

      2. Heart-shaped eggs, fried

      You already know how to make hard heart shaped eggs. Now, what do you think if we learn to make fried eggs in this way? We give you two original alternatives so that you can choose the one you like the most.

      The first method is as simple as it is fun. The first thing we will do is get some sausages long and thin enough to allow us to make the shape we want, that is, the heart.


      • Strips of vegetables (peppers, potatoes, onion) or sausages.


      • Fry the sausages helping you with tongs or a spoon to fold them into the shape of the heart.
      • Next, and carefully, drop the egg into the sausages so that it takes the desired shape.
      • Once the egg acquires sufficient consistency, the next step will be to put this figure on the plate, without breaking it.
      • To decorate the plate, you can use a little ketchup sauce to draw Cupid’s arrow.


      The simplest technique: with molds

      There are cookie cutters that can make it easier for us to get fried heart-shaped eggs. There are also egg molds, properly speaking, that have a handle that is very useful when preparing the egg.

      If you use one of these molds, you will only need to grease the pan with a little olive oil and, once it is hot, place the mold and drop the cracked egg inside. Once ready, you just have to take it to the plate, and voila!

      In addition, this mold will also allow you to obtain this shape in our slices of sliced ​​bread. You just have to toast them and then apply the mold on top to cut the bread and get the heart shape. Very original.

      There are people who are really experts in this type of thing and who are capable, for example, of forming a heart in the yolk of the fried egg while it is in the pan. How do they do it? With the spoon, pushing the yolk to outline the desired shape.

      fried eggs


      Eggs are a food that can be an excellent option for your breakfast. It is rich in protein, ideal to start the day with energy. Nor should you worry about cholesterol, as long as you consume them in moderation; that is, between 3 and 4 times a week.

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