5 Causes Of Muscle Pain And 6 Ways To Combat It

We have all experienced muscle pain at some point. However, when this discomfort begins to persist, the quality of life can be affected. In turn, and if the pain is constant, more muscle regions may be involved and even reach a ligament, a tendon or a joint.

Sometimes it is enough to sit a few hours so that, when we get up, we feel a specific pressure on our back, thighs or arms. If you are experiencing these same discomforts day after day right now, the following information may interest you. We suggest you take note of it.

The 5 most common reasons associated with muscle pain

First of all, we want to clarify that muscle pain can be caused by many different factors. Therefore, in the event that pain becomes a problem, it is necessary to go to a professional to make a diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

Back pain woman

1. Vitamin D deficiency

Nonspecific musculoskeletal pain is related to a low level of vitamin D. That is, it is common for us to periodically feel discomfort in various muscle regions and not just one.

  • We cannot forget that our bodies are made up of cells, and that all of them have vitamin D receptors.
  • A deficit in this vitamin means that the cells of our muscles cannot work 100%, which is why hypersensitivity, pain and overload appear.
  • In turn, the bones also show this lack of vitamin D, as they need it to absorb calcium and thus have better resistance.

2. Iron deficiency

Women with heavier or longer periods often experience iron deficiencies. The lack of this mineral is also associated with muscle pain.

Our cells also need this mineral. Therefore, it is necessary that we cover these deficiencies with an adequate diet or with the classic iron supplements.

3. Stress and muscle pain

Stress causes muscle pain

Another cause of muscle pain that many people are unaware of is stress.

  • When the body releases hormones like cortisol it forces the muscles to tense up. Thus the body prepares itself for that “flight” that stress instinctively induces us.
  • Something like this means living long periods with intense muscle tension that ends up taking its toll.

4. Sprains and strains

Muscle overloads and sprains appear as a result of an accidental injury. They can also be the consequence of intense exercise or continuous manual work over many hours.

Little by little small microscopic tears develop in the muscles. These inflammations present with pain and inflammation. In the most severe cases, tears may even appear.

5. Beware: diseases underlying muscle pain

When muscle pain becomes constant and persistent until it affects our productivity or mobility, it is necessary to see a doctor to find out the cause.

Sometimes, it is the symptomatology associated with ailments such as the following:

  • Rheumatism.
  • Arthritis.
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Lupus.
  • Viral diseases.

Natural proposals to relieve muscle pain

1. Magnesium

First of all, magnesium is  one of the essential minerals to take care of the nervous impulse and the relaxation of the muscles. You can consult with your doctor about taking magnesium supplements.

2. The ice

Taking a hot bath to relax in case we suffer muscle pain will not help us much. Ideally, apply ice first.

If the pain is severe or if you have just exercised and are experiencing discomfort, putting on an ice pack will do you good. Avoid direct contact of ice with skin. 

3. Proteins

chickpeas protein source

It is essential that we do not neglect proteins in the diet:

  • Foods such as chickpeas, lentils or eggs are ideal for taking care of and strengthening muscles.
  • At the same time, keep in mind that coffee or alcohol dehydrates us, and that it is better to moderate or limit their consumption.

4. The massages

A proper massage can help reduce inflammation. It also contributes to increasing blood flow, increasing the dose of oxygen and, in turn, provides more nutrients to the muscles.

Therefore, massages, in some cases, can be an effective and pleasant solution. However, in case of injury it must be done by a professional to avoid making the problem worse. 

5. Avoid sedentary lifestyle

We are aware that, if we suffer from diseases such as lupus or fibromyalgia, the last thing we want to do is go out for exercise or even for a walk. However, we need to do so.

  • It is enough to go for a walk every day for half an hour.
  • In this way, we increase blood flow to the muscles and enhance their flexibility and reduction of inflammation.
  • It is not about getting tired, it is enough to maintain adequate activity, avoid sedentary lifestyle and the consequent deterioration of musculoskeletal health.

6. Rosemary essential oil

Finally, you can find rosemary essential oil in any natural store or in parapharmacies. In addition, it is a natural remedy that can help reduce muscle pain, reduce inflammation and relax. You can apply it through a massage or prepare relaxing baths.

Final tips for dealing with muscle pain

Remember that muscle pain can be caused by many factors. Therefore, in the event that it is a constant and disabling pain, it is best that you go to your doctor to make a diagnosis and thus be able to treat the problem from its roots.

These are just some general tips, but they will not relieve pain if the underlying cause is not addressed properly.

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