Hygiene Tips If You Use Public Toilets

Public toilets could be said that, in the collective imagination, they are places full of germs and where it is possible to catch many diseases.

In fact, public toilets are often a dirty and neglected place in many cases. There are even people who prefer to wait to get home before going to the bathroom anywhere.

However, we cannot always last that long, and we must use them yes or yes. Also, it is not good for your health to let too much pass without urinating. This could cause a urinary infection, bladder damage, cystitis, etc.

In this article we will give you some tips so that you can avoid some typical complications of neglected public toilets.

Also read Places with germs, even if we never thought about it

Public toilets, breeding ground for germs

germs in public restrooms

There are many myths regarding the use of public toilets. While those that are clean reduce the chances of contracting an infectious disease, it is necessary to take certain precautions.

In general, it is estimated that almost half of the bacteria in public toilets would be of fecal origin and another half would be associated with the skin. This applies to toilet seats and soap dispensers.

There are certain bacteria that are more common to find in public toilets, for example, E-coli , salmonella , streptococcus or campylobacter .

Unlike what some believe, viral diseases are not spread in a public bathroom since viruses cannot survive outside the body.

This means that in a public bathroom it is almost impossible to catch diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis C, Human Papillomavirus or Herpes. The only way of contagion is if the infected person has an open wound and there is blood in the toilet. The next person to enter the bathroom should also have an injury that just comes into contact with the fluid. It is not impossible, but it is very unlikely.

Read also How to cure a urinary infection naturally

Tips for using the public toilet

tips for using public restrooms

Pay attention to the following tips for using public toilets:

1. Clean the toilet seat

Take some toilet paper and sanitize the seat. In some stores and pharmacies they sell a disposable cover that is placed on top to avoid sitting directly in contact with the surface.

2. Don’t drop your pants too much

They must not touch the ground. Leave them between the knees and ankles. This will prevent them from coming into contact with dirt on the floor near the toilet.

3. Don’t use very dirty bathrooms

If when entering the public bathroom you realize that it has not been cleaned for a long time, or the toilet has wet or dirty surfaces, look for another option to urinate.

4. You never sit on the seat

It can be a bit difficult to balance and not get tired. However, it is imperative to avoid coming into contact with the toilet. If you can’t keep your knees semi-bent, you can lean against the wall or door (as long as you see that it’s not dirty).

5. Test if the chain works

hygiene measures in public toilets

Before urinating it is advisable to verify if the chain works and if its circulation is complete. Some do not have enough water to “wash away” all the debris, or the debris may rise to the surface because the plumbing is plugged. In neither case is it recommended to use the toilet.

6. Throw the sanitary napkins and paper in the trash can

It is a precaution that you must take when you are menstruating and using a public bathroom. Wrap the sanitary towels in toilet paper and throw them in the garbage can, never in the toilet as this brings environmental problems and can also clog the pipes.

7. Use toilet paper at all times

It can also be a tissue. Use it to manipulate any element in the public bathroom, from the door key (especially the internal one) to the button or chain.

If you want to lift the seat also use a toilet paper. Never touch with your hands or fingers directly.

8. Don’t put your belongings on the ground

You can check before entering the bathroom if it has a hook to hang your bag, jacket or whatever you have. If you are accompanied, it would be good to hold things while you go to the bathroom.

The floor is where dirt and bacteria can accumulate the most, even if you leave your bag away from the toilet.

9. Don’t stay long in the compartment

Once you finish urinating, take as little time as possible to get out of the bathroom. Germs and bacteria in the air can enter through the nose or mouth.

10. Wash your hands

hygiene in public toilets

Even if you used toilet paper to touch everything, do not leave the bathroom without first cleaning your hands well with soap for about 20 seconds. If the toilet has hot water, it will be better to use it, since several studies certify that it has a better capacity to eliminate germs.

11. Use your own soap

Liquid soap dispensers are not the most hygienic thing out there, as most people touch them once they get out of the bathroom. Although the next act will be to wash yourself, if you can, carry your own soap in your bag.

You will also make sure you have something to clean your hands with at any time, for example if the toilet has run out.

12. Dry your hands with paper

hygiene in public toilets

It is true that you need quite a few paper towels to dry the water, but they are more recommended than hot water dryers. Dryers are less hygienic because bacteria accumulate, according to this study, in hot areas. If you can, bring your own towels or tissues.

13. Use alcohol gel

As much as you have washed your hands, it would be good if you reinforced the cleaning. Gel alcohol is something that you cannot miss. In addition to this, you can use it after using public transport, before eating, etc.

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