6 Repellents Free Of Toxic Chemicals To Fight Ants

Most homes have to deal with the invasion of ants in the kitchen or other spaces at some point .

These small insects are very difficult to eliminate completely, especially when there are elements inside the house that attract them. The remains of food, plants and waste are factors that can influence its constant appearance.

We have all ever looked for products that help repel them, since they almost always spoil food or damage the garden.

But it is advisable to be aware that most commercial repellants can affect health and damage the environment.

Below we want to share with you 6 100% ecological alternatives to drive away these insects without using toxic chemicals.

1. Lemon


Many were unaware that something as common as lemon juice could serve as an alternative to chemical repellants.

The acids it contains help keep invading ants out of the garden and inside the house.


  • 1 lemon
  • ½ liter of water
  • 1 spray bottle

How to prepare it?

  • Squeeze the lemon juice and mix it with the pint of water.
  • Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and then spray it on the areas of the house where the ants are.
  • You can use it several times a day if you consider it necessary.

2. Coffee grounds

It is proven that those coffee residues that remain in the strainer after preparing the drink still retain many of their properties.

Therefore, it is not surprising that its reuse at home serves as an ecological remedy to ward off ants and other insects. This appears to be due to its pungent odor, which annoys and repels vermin.


  • 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds (20 g)
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare it?

  • Mix the two tablespoons of coffee grounds in one liter of water and spray the liquid over the affected areas of the home.
  • Use it at least three times a week.

3. Mint

Peppermint essential oil

Dried mint leaves or their essential oil are very interesting alternatives to say goodbye to these critters.

We love its pleasant aroma, but it repels ants and prevents them from entering the home.


  • 2 mint tea bags (4 g)
  • Peppermint essential oil (optional)

How to prepare it?

  • After using the peppermint tea bags, scoop out the leaves from inside and sprinkle them at potential entry points or in the garden.
  • Another alternative is to spray some peppermint essential oil mixed with water.

    4. Apple cider vinegar

    The smell of vinegar is very strong and is released by areas invaded by ants. After covering the entry and invasion zones, within hours there will be none left.


    • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
    • ½ cup of water (125 ml)
    • 1 fresh spray

    How to prepare it?

    • Dilute the apple cider vinegar in equal parts water and pour it into a spray bottle.
    • Spray the liquid on countertops, sinks and windows, in addition to other areas where you think there is invasion.
    • Use it every day for the best result.

    5. Baking soda and sugar

    Bowl with baking soda

    Sugar is a substance that attracts different types of insects. However, when mixed with baking soda it is lethal for them.


    • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (9 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of sugar (10 g)

    How to prepare it?

    • Mix the two ingredients in a bowl and then sprinkle over the insect entry areas.
    • Use it at least three times a week.

    6. Corn flour

    Cornmeal has multiple uses in the home and one of the most curious is as a repellent for ants.

    It does not have to be mixed with other ingredients and can be sprinkled as many times as necessary to keep them away.


    • Corn flour (as necessary).

    How to use it?

    • Sprinkle the product in areas such as the garden, doors and kitchen corners.

    All these ecological alternatives can serve as a solution to kill ants without damaging the environment. However, it is important to keep in mind that they do not always give good results the first time, sometimes  several applications are required to achieve them.

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