What Moisturizing Oil We Need For Each Skin Type

Did you know that, even if your skin has acne, there are moisturizing oils that can help you control oil production and improve the condition?

Each skin needs a different moisturizing oil according to its characteristics. If we do not use the right one, we can harm ourselves despite applying natural products.

Discover in this article which is the hydrating oil that benefits you the most. You can  achieve a hydrated, firm, luminous and rejuvenated skin.  

Normal skin

If you don’t know what your skin is like, you most likely have a normal complexion. Those who suffer any alteration have to be aware of treating it with the appropriate products.

If our skin is normal, we can try among the different oil options and choose the one we like the most.

We must always differentiate the skin of the skin (and neck) from that of the rest of the body.

The face is exposed daily to the effects of free radicals and suffers more from the consequences of our rhythm of life:

  • The emotions.
  • Stress.
  • Poor diet, etc.

For this reason it is very important to find the most suitable oil to prevent:

  • The aging.
  • Impurities.
  • Sagging.
  • Dehydration

What moisturizing oil do I need?

What moisturizing oil do I need

Dry and mature skin

People who have dry skin should try to keep it nourished at all times, since the lack of hydration is the main cause of aging of the dermis,  since it gradually loses water.

For this reason, mature skin also often needs a moisturizing oil that provides elasticity and firmness to the skin.

The most recommended oils are the following:

  • Almond oil:  very nutritious, rich in vitamin E and, in addition, it is very economical.
  • Shea butter:  excellent for mature and devitalized skin.
  • Avocado oil:  rich in fatty acids, it brings luminosity and also rejuvenates the skin.
  • Rosehip:  this oil enhances the regeneration of the skin and also has a high healing power.

We can choose one of them or combine them.

Oily skin

Oily skin

Oily skin, very common during adolescence, is characterized by the production of a large amount of sebum, which gives it a shiny appearance.

Although this sebum provides a layer of protection against external agents, the truth is that it usually gives a dirty appearance and, in some cases, causes impurities and also acne.

With the right lotion we can balance excess sebum without damaging the skin with alcohols or other overly aggressive astringent products.

  • We recommend using jojoba oil, which has the most similar texture to the natural sebum of the skin and also has a high regulatory power.
  • In addition, we can combine it with aloe vera gel if we want it to be a lighter lotion.

Mixed skin


Combination skin is characterized by an excess of fat in the T zone (forehead, nose and chin) and a lack of hydration in the cheeks. This makes it difficult to use a single lotion.

In very complicated cases we can use different oils in each area.

However, we can prepare a balancing oil with two ingredients: extra virgin coconut oil and lavender essential oil.

  • Both are regulators and also enhance the natural ability of the skin to produce adequate sebum.

Delicate or sensitive skin

We must always treat delicate or sensitive skin with great care, they can react to any synthetic or even natural component.

They are skins that redden easily and can even have spots on a regular basis.

  • The most suitable moisturizing oil to calm and regulate this type of skin is calendula, which we can also combine with aloe vera gel.
  • Both have beneficial properties to reduce irritation and itchiness.

Skin with acne

If we suffer from acne we must follow a specific routine to treat this problem. And it is that it not only depends on the skin, but also on hormonal issues, diet, etc.

Most oils are harmful to acne skin. These clog pores where there is already an excess of sebum and also superinfect the pimple.

However, there is an oil that may not be harmful, since it also acts on a hormonal level and has a low-fat texture: evening primrose oil.

We can mix evening primrose oil with a little tea tree essential oil. This has antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it helps us avoid superinfection.

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