How Does Menstruation Affect Mood?

In addition to abdominal or pelvic pain, during this period a woman may experience irritability or mood swings. For this reason, menstruation is said to affect mood.

Even the days before the period are characterized by certain physical and emotional symptoms, forming what has been called ‘premenstrual’ syndrome.

Although the response of each female is unique, the truth is that in her cycle there are some fluctuations in the levels of certain hormones. We will tell you about it in more detail below.

Does menstruation affect mood?

When asking what these variations in women’s moods are related to, at least a couple of plausible explanations can be considered.

On the one hand, we find the role played by the entire chain of physiological events typical of this phase. And on the other hand, it also corresponds to take into account various physical discomforts that are usually frequent.

1. Different hormonal levels confirm that menstruation affects mood

As indicated by a work by Professor Whitney Wharton and her team (University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, during the menstrual cycle there are certain fluctuations in the concentration of some hormones :

  • Especially estrogen decreases significantly from the second week.
  • This neurochemical event affects the production of serotonin, a substance that promotes states of joy, pleasure and pleasant sensations.
  • For this reason, both in the days before menstruation and during it, this decrease can be accused, sometimes manifesting symptoms of sadness, irritability and emotional instability.

The division of a complicated process

2. Body symptoms also play a role

At the same time, the period sometimes involves some uncomfortable symptoms, such as cramps in the abdominal and pelvic area or headache, in the lumbar region or in the breasts. In turn, feelings of fatigue and bloating are common.

Such discomfort helps to understand the discomfort that women experience in this period, which also explains why menstruation affects mood.

That is, beyond the changes at the hormonal level, the fact of feeling all these ailments makes it easier to get in a bad mood or show tiredness and apathy.

Another aspect to note is that, under the influence of the aforementioned effects, women are challenged to continue facing daily difficulties and commitments.

In each case it is different

Some keys when menstruation affects mood

Although menstruation affects mood, each woman’s experience is different. Not all of them experience the same sensations, nor are their personal, social or emotional conditions the same.

In addition, the differences according to age also represent an important factor, since the manifestations can be more pronounced in the youngest and then gradually reduce after having given birth or approaching menopause (when the period stops).

With everything and being aware of these particularities, it is possible to contemplate certain guidelines that are useful these days:

  • For example, physical exercise is known to help counteract some of the symptoms that occur in the week before menstruation. This has been shown by a study carried out by a group of researchers from the University of Isfahan (Iran).
  • Putting a pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen can help relieve pain in that area.
  • Baths at a temperature that is comfortable for us and relaxation techniques are also viable alternatives.
  • Another option is to train yourself to identify the emotions that are experienced in that period and share them. To the extent that we are able to communicate our affective states to others, we will achieve greater understanding from the social environment in which we move and avoid misunderstandings.

Your menstrual period affects your mood Here are some recommendations

Are there any doubts?

As we can see, having a period can lead to various physical and psychological sensations for women.

Despite the fact that individual differences are often evident, knowing the characteristic signs of this period allows us to get an idea of ​​what it means.

In any case, if pain or discomfort causes a great interference in daily activity, a medical consultation is essential to clarify the questions we want to raise or make the pertinent assessments.

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