What Is The Best Diet To Go To The Gym

If you go to the gym, it is because you have decided to lead a healthy lifestyle. Your food is probably low in fat and sugar. But many times, when it comes to exercising, we don’t know what is best to eat before or after sport. Therefore, in this article we tell you what is the best diet to go to the gym.

Taking care of our diet if we are active people can help us increase performance, define muscles or lose weight. In addition, feeding ourselves with  enough nutrients, antioxidants and calories so as not to lose heart when exercising is the key.

The best diet to go to the gym

The diet to go to the gym depends on the situation.

It is one of the most frequent doubts that we all ask ourselves when going to practice some type of physical activity. Since food is the basic energy that our body will use to carry out all the exercises, with which we will now analyze which foods are the most appropriate.

What to eat before?

Before a directed class or using the machines in the gym, we must control our eating well and not binge on food.

Foods in small quantities are perfect but that contain the necessary vitamins to nourish us. An example is nuts, which contain healthy fats as current studies affirm; oatmeal with milk, a yogurt or a fruit such as a banana.

Another good option is the bowls, now so fashionable, that contain yogurt, nuts and seeds, such as chia, which contain omega 3 and protein. To drink we will hydrate ourselves with water. It is good to drink about half a liter of water before starting the training, but not without exaggeration.

Before going to the gym it is better to  avoid foods rich in fat or sugar. This reduces the risk of gastric discomfort that makes exercise difficult.

What to eat next?

Once we have finished the training, we need to hydrate and eat slowly. We can start with  fruit and also nuts, and then make a more complete meal based on fish, rice salad, pasta with seeds and tomatoes, dairy products, meats, eggs and protein shakes.

Proteins are essential nutrients to promote tissue recovery . According to research published in the journal Nutrients , these substances improve muscle adaptations to exercise.

In addition, it is important to ensure the consumption of healthy fats. Some of them, such as the omega 3 series, have been shown to be effective in modulating the inflammation typical of an intense work session. At the same time, the contribution of trans-type lipids must be restricted, since these nutrients exert the opposite effect, promoting inflammatory cascades.

We will surely be very thirsty, so water will be our best option against dehydration. Although there are some isotonic drinks, that without ever abusing them, can replenish us from our great physical activity.

Eating to go to the gym should be healthy.

Frequent mistakes in eating to go to the gym

Many people make some common diet mistakes when entering the world of  fitness  and healthy living. We present some of them to you so that you can try to prevent them successfully.

  • Do not increase the amounts: if we start exercising every day, we must eat more calories than before, even if we want to lose weight.
  • Falling for the false  light :  when we buy in the supermarket, we must pay attention to the labels of the products, since many of them are sold as “healthy” when in fact they contain large amounts of sugar.
  • Not having patience: if we think to start obtaining results the first week and we do not achieve it, we will want to abandon the diet. Therefore, you have to be constant.
  • Think that the only thing necessary are supplements:  ergogenic aids can increase performance or recovery capacity, but they must always be introduced within the framework of a suitable diet. Otherwise, these effects will not be experienced.

Optimize your diet to go to the gym

Do not fall into these mistakes that beginners in the diet usually make when they start in the gym and eat correctly from the beginning of the physical activity to progress in the shortest possible time.

Finally, we recommend that if you have more questions about the best diet to go to the gym, you go to the nutritionist. This professional will be able to prepare a menu to suit you.

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