Green And Black Olives, Which Are Better For Health?

In recent times the consumption of green and black olives has increased because, in addition to being a recognized appetizer, there is more information about their nutritional value. Now, between the two varieties, which ones are better for health?

All the types that exist provide healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. But in principle, the difference in color occurs at the time of harvesting the fruit. Keep reading about them.

Green and black olives: what are their differences?

At the beginning, all olives are green, although with the passage of time they mature and change their hue to purple and, finally, to black. Generally, this happens within 4 months. But do they differ in something else?

Green olives owe their color to the presence of chlorophyll. They also have interesting amounts of carotenoids (bioactive substances with beneficial effects), which are responsible for the yellow coloration that arises when they are fermented in the Sevillian or Spanish style.

They also have antioxidants and protectors against free radicals called phenolic compounds , such as lignin, flavonoids and oleuropein, which gives it the characteristic bitter taste. We cannot fail to mention potassium, calcium, and vitamins.

According to data expressed in the Food Guide of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, 100 grams of this product has 14% monounsaturated fat. In contrast, in black olives the percentage of oil increases due to maturation, so that they will always contain a greater quantity, reaching 20% ​​of this type of fat. Therefore, there are more calories.

Also in the latter, the presence of oleuropein decreases and, as a product of its degradation, different varieties of phenolic compounds appear, including anthocyanins, which give them color. Along with this, it increases the proportion of dietary fiber, iron and the production of organic acids such as malic, oxalic and citric.

Olives in bowls

Effects of consuming green and black olives on the body

Despite the differences in fat intake, let’s not forget that both contain those that are considered healthy, especially at the cardiovascular level. This means that the greater the contribution of oleic fatty acid (omega 9) the effects will be better. Of course, do not indulge in excessive consumption.

What these lipids do in the body is to prevent cholesterol from adhering to the arteries and, thanks to this, they reduce the risk of developing an atheroma plaque. In fact, the olive tree, as well as its oil, is recognized for this action.

Additionally, phenolic compounds participate in the flavor and aroma of the fruit, as well as being able to prevent the oxidation of the cells. In fact, there is sufficient evidence that exposes the link between diets that provide antioxidants and reduced risk of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as diabetes.

So far it seems that black olives are better, however, in the case of oleuropein present only in green ones, there are also studies that show its benefits. Here we find anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Which ones are better for your health?

So which one should we choose? Well, this remains in each one, since there is no noticeable difference in health. Specifically, both types have positive effects thanks to their nutrients.

In addition, if we take the caloric value as a reference, it is not that the black ones will make you fat and the others will not. This actually has to do with how much you consume. So, consider that they are allies if you have any of the following problems:

  • Constipation: remember that they have dietary fiber and this helps regulate intestinal transit.
  • Anemia : from black you can get the iron you need.
  • Damaged skin : you can improve the appearance of your skin thanks to its contribution of vitamin C and E.
  • Cardiovascular diseases : they contain good fats that prevent the adherence of cholesterol in the arteries.

Because they are preserved in brine, their sodium intake is high, which is why nutritionists recommend moderate consumption for people with hypertension.

Green and black olives for health.

Green and black olives in health: what to remember?

If you want to get the maximum benefit from olives, what you can do, in addition to consuming them, is to use extra virgin olive oil. It is obtained by cold pressing this fruit, so its nutrients remain intact. However, you must bear in mind that to preserve its quality it is not necessary to expose it to heat or humidity. Also, you must use it raw.

There is no specific difference that requires you to choose one type of olive before another. Both are actually healthy, and consuming them in moderation is beneficial. Remember that to avoid excess sodium you must wash them enough and, if you have high blood pressure, you must be careful in this matter.

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