8 Ideal Tips To Eat More Vegetables

Changing habits can sometimes be difficult and require all of our commitment and dedication. However, if this modification brings us health benefits, we should do everything possible to implement it as soon as possible. Therefore, in the following article we will tell you some tips to eat more vegetables.

Why eat more vegetables?

They are part of a healthy diet, they provide us with a good amount of nutrients (including vitamins, proteins, fibers and minerals), and consuming them prevents the appearance of certain diseases.

However, vegetables are less and less present in the dishes of every home. Why? Due to various reasons, such as that canned or manufactured food prepares faster than vegetables.

It is very important, if there are children at home, to instill in them a love for vegetables and fruits from an early age. With the first porridges we should allow them to know all the flavors and aromas that these foods offer.

In this way we will avoid that in the future they do not want to eat healthy and that is maintained in adulthood.

Eating vegetables is not synonymous with dieting, being a vegetarian, or being sick. On the contrary, to feel good and be healthy we would have to add more of them to our diet.

Tips to eat more vegetables

Every day we should consume 400 grams of vegetables (if possible, raw). This may seem like a lot and impossible, but to start with, you can increase your intake gram by gram.

You will see that when you reach the minimum advisable level, your body will ask more and more of you.

Pay attention to these tips to eat more vegetables:

1. Modify the recipes

Modify the recipes

Those dishes that you usually prepare or consume on a daily basis can change completely if you incorporate some vegetables.

For example you can add:

  • Chopped carrot in meat dumplings
  • Broccoli sautéed in pasta
  • Sliced ​​aubergines between layers of lasagna, etc.
  • You can even make a rich omelette with asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, and broccoli as a filling.

2. Start eating early

Who says that only fruits are allowed at breakfast? Although these are very healthy, we can also add vegetables to the table.

  • Some options can be slices of cucumber or tomato, a juice of celery with carrots or an omelette with spinach leaves.
  • If you start with the consumption of vegetables first thing in the morning it will be easier for you to meet the recommended daily intake.

3. Buy vegetables you don’t know

Make soups and smoothies

When you shop next time, be sure to put some veggies you’ve never tried before in the cart.

You do not need to carry a kilo but a little to taste at home. Then find a quick and easy recipe that includes it. You will be surprised by the discovery!

Varying the vegetables we consume has many advantages since, on the one hand, you will be incorporating new nutrients and, on the other, you will not get bored of always eating the same thing.

4. Make soups and smoothies

In winter we want to eat more robust and caloric foods. We need a meal that comforts us when we get home and takes away the cold from the street.

What better option than a good vegetable soup? We are not referring to those that come in an envelope, but to a “real” one, like the one your grandmother would prepare.

It’s less work than you think, and you can also save some and heat it up when you want to enjoy it.

In summer, on the other hand, we can consume rich smoothies and raw or cooked vegetable juices that, in addition, can be combined with some fruits.

The vegetables par excellence in the recipes are carrot, beet, celery, spinach, tomato. And not to mention a delicious cold gazpacho: healthy and nutritious.

5. Leave the vegetables in plain sight

Fruits and vegetables

Although it is true that in the refrigerator there are special drawers for vegetables and fruits, these are a bit “hidden”.

And if we do not know that they are there … how will we use and enjoy them? A good idea is to store most of them in the proper compartments and leave one or two outside of them.

Thus, as soon as we open the door, they will be there, waiting for us, and inviting us to eat them.

6. Look for “alternative” recipes

Those who believe that vegetarians and vegans only consume lettuce and tomato salad are wrong.

There are millions of recipes that we can prepare to eat more vegetables and let our palate delight with new flavors.

Pumpkin paté, beet and lentil burgers, eggplant lasagna… there’s a world of options around you.

7. Use as a companion

chicken and vegetable wok

If you are a lover of meat, chicken or fish, you can take advantage of it to prepare all kinds of different garnishes. Not just the typical everyday salad.

Try a puree, a zucchini scramble, some sauteed pumpkin cubes, etc.

8. Make healthy snacks

Another good option to eat more vegetables and, at the same time, avoid salty snacks or morning pastries is to have some carrot or celery sticks, some cherry tomatoes , some strips of pepper or some slices of cucumber available.

You can mix them with different patés or creams such as:

  • Chickpeas (hummus)
  • Avocado (guacamole)
  • Eggplants ( baba ganoush )
  • Greek yogurt and cucumber ( tzatziki ).

It is excellent, in turn, to avoid anxiety between meals.

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