Being In Love Is A “transitory Madness”

How many times have we said that “we are in love”? Without a doubt, it is one of the most beautiful states that a person can experience in life … Today we tell you why being in love is like going through a “temporary insanity”. Madness in which the mind and all the senses are involved.

Being in love is temporary insanity

A moment ago we said that being in love was the same as being crazy. However, now we could add one more characteristic: this madness is transitory.

What does it mean? That feeling or sensation does not last forever. But pay attention, because it does not mean to stop loving the other person. It means “changing” the initial emotion for another stronger and not so crazy.

In the first stage of falling in love we lose the perception of danger, we forget ourselves and we only have time to think about that perfect being that we love.

Everything is changed and nothing matters to us except that divine being for whom we have such intense feelings.

If the infatuation phase lasted forever, we would all be careless, forgetful, and walk down the street as if it were heaven. Of course, this has its positive and negative aspects.

It would be dangerous to drive a car, manipulate machines or even cut food!

Being in love reduces the thought to just one person. Daydreaming, thinking about upcoming encounters or lived moments does not leave us space to work, study, eat, sleep or exercise.

We wouldn’t mind spending all day admiring the beauty of that wonderful being; even if it meant losing your job, not sleeping, or skipping meals.

Nothing compares to the happiness of being with that person.  Time never seems to advance when we are apart and, on the contrary, flies if we are together.

couple having dinner

The transitory of love

Being in love is fortunately a temporary insanity because otherwise we would become dependent individuals and not dedicated to themselves.

The only meaning of life would be the other and there would be nothing else that would make us happy.

It is very nice to enjoy that feeling that anything is possible and that we touch the sky with our hands when we are in love. Nobody should take away the possibility of experiencing it,  at least once in a lifetime.

When that temporary state of madness related to love passes “we return to our senses” and we become aware of certain things. We see that, in addition to our partner, there are also other people (including ourselves) with needs and desires.

After the initial infatuation (which can last from a few weeks to several months) we go to a different but beautiful phase; that of true love that allows you to build a future and see the good and the bad of the other.

It is no longer about a racing heartbeat or sex, but something deeper, more lasting and real.

The infatuation phase can be for some the most beautiful of a relationship or even the most fun.

However, true love that comes with time is the one that “is worth” because it makes us mature, change, be happy despite adversity.

An Italian proverb says: “love makes time pass and time makes love pass.” Popular wisdom always expresses things in a very exact way and this is no exception.

There is no rule of how long the infatuation stage should last, as it is something quite personal. It depends on each one and the experiences lived.

The brain in the infatuation phase

Those “butterflies in the stomach” or the “racing heart” are a physical reaction to a stimulus that we know as “love” (or being in love).

Those responsible for the brain only thinking about the loved one, among other consequences, are hormones.

Being in love causes a whirlwind of reactions at the brain level. Up to 12 areas of the mind are involved when we are in love

The mind activates different regions depending on whether it is sexual desire (more frequent in the infatuation phase) than if it is unconditional affection (experienced in long-term couples).

For there to be “chemistry” with another person, the stimulation of certain areas of physical perception is essential. Among them, of course, the sight stands out, but also the hearing and the touch.

The brain relates the sensations of being close to the loved one with pleasure. Therefore, he does everything possible to recreate the moments lived.

Although it may sound nice, that of the butterflies in the stomach is just a metaphor to explain the consequences of a greater release of substances by the brain.

Many of the changes or symptoms produced by being in love can be compared to the effects of certain drugs, the victory of our favorite team or eating certain foods (such as chocolate or ice cream).

Finally, it is good to know that the brain links memories with past feelings and sensations.

For this reason, even if we have been with the same person for many years, a butterfly is still fluttering if we see the other dressed differently or arranged for a special occasion.

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