The Dangers Of Wearing Tight Clothing

We already know that very tight clothing marks the figure, however, this can lead to some problems for our health that, perhaps, we do not associate with the use of tight garments.

In this article you will discover what are the dangers and risks of wearing very tight clothing, which will also allow you to respond to certain problems that you may be suffering from.

The risks of wearing tight clothing

Wearing tight clothing can put your posture, circulation, and even fertility at risk. Some of the dangers of this habit can be the following.


The most common problem that people who wear tight clothing often suffer from is vaginal infections.

  • This is because the fabrics used to make pants or underwear do not allow the skin to breathe properly.
  • Bacteria and humidity in levels higher than normal cause an alteration in vaginal pH and therefore an infection.

Lack of blood circulation

When clothes are too tight, they do not allow blood to circulate properly. This happens especially in the legs, when wearing pants to the body for hours.

It can also be dangerous if the garments squeeze in the abdominal area. Tingling, tiredness, or swelling in the extremities are common.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins

If we maintain the habit of wearing “skinny” or “tube” type pants for a long time, the veins become more and more compressed and cannot fulfill their function of pumping blood to the heart.

In addition, they become deformed and cause the well-known varicose veins or “spider veins”.

Posture problems

Some people wear clothes that are smaller in size because they look better and feel that they are flattering.

But too tight dresses, tops, or bras hurt the back and affect the spine. They can also lead to incorrect shoulder, neck, or head postures.

Poor digestion

If you wear very tight clothes, you will surely feel uncomfortable after eating. Many times, we choose to detach one or two cans from the pants so that they do not “explode” under the table.

In addition to recommending that you not eat too much food, it is necessary that you choose looser clothes since, if you do not, your digestion will be affected.

Remember that after eating the stomach expands and needs space. Otherwise, you will suffer heartburn, reflux, or even nausea.

Trouble breathing

If clothes fit too tightly on the chest, the lungs and diaphragm are the main affected, since they cannot expand properly.

When the respiratory system does not work properly, the body cannot eliminate carbon dioxide and cells age prematurely.

Therefore, no bras, shirts or shirts that press against the torso.


Although tight clothing alone does not cause “orange peel”, the truth is that this habit can make this condition worse.


Cellulite is formed by the accumulation of fat in the tissues mainly of the buttocks and legs. When the dermis has no place to move comfortably, it also does not have the ability to eliminate toxins.

If you suffer from these “dimples”, pay attention to the pants you are wearing.

Nervous problems

Very tight jeans cause a syndrome called “meralgia paresthetica” characterized by intense tingling in the legs (especially in the thighs and buttocks) and sensitivity in the area.

Be careful if you have to spend many hours in the same pants.

Muscle pains

Very tight clothing limits our freedom to perform certain movements and makes us feel uncomfortable.

We can walk like “robots” or maintain inappropriate postures that later lead to muscle aches, tension or a feeling of overload in different parts of the body.


Many times we blame “not being able to go to the bathroom” on the large meals we enjoy. However, this is not the only reason.

Perhaps the clothes you are wearing are making the situation worse. When a pants or skirt fits too much, the intestines cannot do their job and we can suffer from constipation or gas.

Fluid retention

Excessively tight garments cause swelling in the calves and legs because they do not allow the lymphatic system to work as it should.

Fluid retention can occur not only from eating too much salt or not drinking enough water, but also from wearing tight-fitting pants.

Tips for not wearing tight clothing

Now that you know the consequences of wearing clothes that are too tight, it is time to take a look at your wardrobe and avoid those that can cause health problems.

  • If you like to wear trousers to the body, choose those of the type tights since they are lighter and do not tighten as much.
  • Buy clothes in your size and don’t get carried away by numbers or labels.
  • When wearing underwear, choose cotton garments so that the area can breathe and perspire without the risk of causing infections.
  • If you must spend many hours in the same outfit (for example, at work) choose clothes that are comfortable and not tight.

We hope this article has allowed you to be more aware of the risks of wearing very tight clothing so that you can avoid all the problems that can arise from this.

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