10 Foods That Help You Sleep Well

Sleeping well is a habit that all of us should have, as it is key to maintaining good health, both physically and emotionally. A good quality of sleep helps us to feel renewed and also for the body to carry out different functions.

However, many people do not get a good night’s sleep and often have trouble sleeping. This problem is quite common today, as multiple daily tasks and the use of technology have disturbed sleep in different ways.

The 10 most beneficial foods for a good night’s sleep

To have a good quality of sleep, it is very important to organize ourselves and have a suitable place to do it. Experts recommend removing all kinds of technological devices that can disturb sleep from the bedroom. In addition, it is also advisable not to eat irritating food before going to bed.

Research has found that a good diet is key to getting a good night’s sleep and preventing insomnia. There are some foods that have properties that act on the nervous system and stimulate the release of melatonin and serotonin, related to relaxation and better quality of sleep.

In addition to trying these natural alternatives, we recommend consulting with your doctor or nutritionist about the best options for you and your needs. If you suffer from a sleep disorder, medical consultation is essential and cannot be replaced with natural remedies.

1. Oats

Although oatmeal is often recommended for breakfast, it can also be eaten at other times of the day. This food is very healthy for the cardiovascular system and could be beneficial for people with diabetes. Its consumption could help to relax the body and sleep well, since it stimulates the production of melatonin.

2. Almonds

A handful of almonds could help you sleep soundly without interruptions. This is because almonds contain tryptophan and magnesium, two substances capable of inducing sleep.

3. Honey

According to popular beliefs, adding honey to milk or tea can be very helpful to help you fall asleep better. This could be true (despite insufficient evidence), since honey contains glucose, which signals the brain to decrease the function of orexin, a substance directly related to wakefulness.

4. Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread has vitamins B1 and B6 from whole grains. It can be combined with honey to help tryptophan travel to the brain, where it is converted to serotonin and improves quality of sleep.

5. Cherries


One of the best ways to sleep well is through the consumption of melatonin. Cherries, and the like oats and nuts are a f ount natural Melato nina and can help improve sleep habits.

6. Herbal tea

Drinking herbal tea can be one of the best choices for falling asleep. Teas such as chamomile, lemon balm, linden, or lemon have relaxing and sedative properties that help the body rest better.

7. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be consumed both during the day and at night. This delicious food that we like so well can help improve sleep habits. According to studies, dark chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin, a hormone that relaxes the body and mind.

8. Bananas


Bananas act like a sleeping pill. This superfood, in addition to being rich in nutrients, stimulates melatonin and serotonin to improve the quality of sleep.

A banana before going to sleep provides the body with a good dose of magnesium and potassium. These serve as muscle and nerve relaxants, which is key to restful sleep.

9. Hot milk

Surely sometime in your life you have consumed a good cup of hot milk before going to sleep. It is very delicious, and it also helps us to have a better sleep thanks to its content of tryptophan, which is an essential amino acid for the production of melatonin and serotonin.

10. Chicken

Chicken is another of the foods with contents of the amino acid tryptophan, according to various non-academic sources; There is not much scientific evidence on the percentage of this content, however. To increase its effects, it is usually recommended to consume it together with a portion of whole wheat bread.

As we already said, these alternatives can help you sleep better. However, to be sure that insomnia is not due to a more serious cause, medical consultation is always recommended.

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