4 Food Combinations To Lose Weight Easily

The capsaicin present in spicy foods is able to stimulate weight loss within the framework of a hypocaloric diet.

Losing weight is a challenge due to the changes in habits that it requires in your daily life. The first thing is to organize the food because you have to choose them healthy and that you like. Luckily it is possible and here we leave you some combinations of foods to lose weight easily.

P Make sure to include these combinations in your regular diet instead of less healthy, commercial, fatty foods.

1. Chicken and chili: food combinations for weight loss

Foods to lose weight: chicken with chili

The first of the food combinations to lose weight easily is a  mixture of one of the cheapest proteins with a spicy touch. Chicken will make you feel full in a small amount and will help build muscle. In turn, the spicy manages to stimulate weight loss, as stated in an article published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition .

To really avoid gaining weight, go for the leanest pieces. The ideal is the chicken breast but you can also choose the leg or the thigh. With the latter you should make sure to remove the skin and small fat deposits.

Chili contains capsaicin , an element that helps activate the body, accelerates fat burning and provides antioxidants. In case eating very spicy foods is not your thing, add only one without seeds to your preparations.

This will give some flavor and all the benefits without making you suffer from the spiciness. A good option is to sprinkle the breast with a touch of chili, salt and lemon, and grill it. The flavor is very particular and delicious.

2. Avocado spread on whole wheat bread seasoned with cayenne pepper

Avocado to lose weight.

The second of the easy weight loss food combinations is perfect for a quick and light breakfast. In recent years, avocado has become fashionable for being rich in healthy fats that are beneficial to the body.

The whole wheat bread contains more fiber than normal, so it will make you feel satisfied for more hours. Check the label and avoid breads that have refined flours and sugars among their ingredients in the first positions.

For its part, cayenne pepper also contains capsaicin so it provides the same benefits as chili. Due to its flavor, we recommend not overdoing it when seasoning, as it could be somewhat annoying for the palate.

3. Apple with peanut butter and ground cinnamon

Apple with peanut butter.

For mid-afternoon cravings when you want something creamy, try this option. The third of the food combinations to lose weight easily is a classic.

Peanut butter contains monounsaturated fats. Their advantage is that they make you feel satiated with very little amount. Also contains polyunsaturated fats that, among other things, help regulate insulin .

In addition, the omega 3 acids in its composition are associated with an improvement in weight reduction, as stated by research published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry .

In turn, the apple provides fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that strengthen your body.

Cinnamon contains polyphenols that stabilize blood sugar and prevent glucose spikes. It also favors the burning of fat by cinnamaldehyde , a compound that gives it its characteristic flavor.

Although this combination has benefits, it is recommended that you do not overdo it. Also, check the label on the peanut butter to make sure it does not contain salt or extra chemicals.

4. Green tea with mint and a few drops of lemon

Green Tea

Do you usually have coffee every morning? We suggest that you change it for the fourth of the food combinations to lose weight easily.

The Green Tea It is one of the favorite beverages for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. It is rich in antioxidants and supports general health. What you may not know is that it also helps burn fat and improves the quality of cells.

When you add a few drops of lemon to green tea, you accelerate the weight loss effect of polyphenols and pectin . The role of peppermint is to reduce your appetite and fill you up.

Look for healthy combinations to promote weight loss

Always eat a healthy and varied diet and try these combinations to stimulate weight loss. However, remember that there are many more that you can choose.

Remember that in addition to eating well, it is essential that you exercise regularly to maximize results and improve your overall physical condition.

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