7 Incredible Reasons To Eat Mango

Thanks to its great contribution of fiber, mango is a very suitable fruit for our digestive health. It also serves to keep intestinal transit in order.

What do you think when we talk about eating mango? Most people think of a sweet fruit that they can eat in a variety of ways.  What never crosses their minds is the idea that eating them brings a tremendous benefit to your health.

Some call him the king of fruits; Others, meanwhile, consider it the Caribbean fruit par excellence. No matter how you see it, the benefits of mango are too many to overlook. For that reason, here are the main reasons why you should eat mango more often.

7 benefits of eating mango

1. Improve your digestive health

According to this study by the National University of Colombia, mangoes are an excellent option when it comes to alleviating problems of indigestion. The digestive enzymes contained in this fruit help promote natural digestion and make it more efficient.

Being rich in bioactive ingredients such as esters, terpenes and aldehydes, it contributes to improving appetite and also the function of the digestive system.  For this reason, it is a good alternative in the diet of children.

2. Improves heart health

Mangoes have high amounts of pectin, a fiber soluble diet that effectively contributes to lower blood fat levels, as stated in this study carried out by the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil).

Mango, like other fruits, is considered basic for the preparation of artisanal medicines within the indigenous communities of several tropical countries.

3. Supports healthy weight gain

Eating mango on a regular basis is one of the most effective ways to gain weight quickly. This is very useful for people who have trouble reaching their ideal weight.

Barely 150 grams of mango has almost 86 calories , which can be easily absorbed by your body.  In addition, mangoes contain starch that is transformed into sugar, which gives you completely natural energy.

A good option is to make a mango smoothie.


  • ½ small handle.
  • 1 glass of milk (200 ml).


  • Peel the mango, chop it and put it in the blender glass along with the milk.
  • Process until you get a homogeneous drink.
  • If you want something cool, you can add a couple of ice cubes.  

4. Reduces the signs of aging

Eating mango will help you have a healthy glowing face, while lightening and removing blemishes caused by the sun or acne. This is because these fruits are rich in vitamin C.

This vitamin is responsible for promote collagen production . This is stated in this study carried out by the National Institutes of Health in the United States. To get these benefits, you should only include a small mango in your diet on a regular basis.

5. Strengthen your immune system

As with carrots, mangoes are rich in beta-carotene. This element of mango helps to boost the body’s immune system and make it impervious to bacteria and toxins, according to this research carried out by the Guilin University of China.

When you consume the right amount of beta-carotene and vitamin A, an antioxidant layer forms that brings your immune system to its maximum capacity.  Thus,  it gives you additional protection against harmful free radicals for your internal systems.

6. Prevents and controls diabetes

Eating mango is a great natural remedy for diabetes, as long as you don’t overdo it. You may have heard that diabetics should avoid this delicious fruit at all costs, but there is nothing further from the truth.

Although it is true that this fruit It is very sweet, if you consume its leaves in small quantities it will help you control diabetes, according to this study from the University of Punjab (Pakistan). This is due to the fiber it contains and its sugars are completely natural.

Our recommendation is that you include it in small portions, once or twice a week.  Another option to regulate your glucose levels is to drink mango leaf water.

In the same way, consult your doctor first: the best one will know how to help you.


  • 15 mango leaves
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Place the mango leaves in the glass of water.
  • Let it sit overnight.
  • In the morning, remove the leaves and drink the water on an empty stomach.

It may interest you: 5 fabulous fruits to balance your cholesterol levels. Add color and health to your diet!

7. Eating mango fights anemia and helps you in pregnancy

Do you know what anemia and pregnancy ? In both cases you need to consume the appropriate amount of iron.  Being rich in iron, mango is ideal for preventing anemia, since this mineral is one of the bases that make up the blood.

In the case of pregnant women, the little being that they carry in their womb requires enough iron for the correct start-up of their internal organs, so  they are usually recommended to take iron tablets. The problem is that these have a metallic taste and not everyone likes it;  if this is your case, think about adding a good mango and spinach smoothie.

Take advantage of the mango season to eat it

We know that eating mango all year round is impossible. Therefore, it is advisable to include it in your diet when it is season to take advantage of all its nutrients.  Just remember not to consume more than one piece a day and getting enough exercise to control the energy you provide.

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