Avocado Smoothie To Lose Weight And Gain Muscle

This avocado smoothie is a very suitable source of healthy fats to help us lose weight and, at the same time, favor the formation of muscle if we accompany it of the proper routine

Losing weight in a healthy way, without starving, and at the same time gaining muscle can be much easier than we may think. A proposal to achieve this is the following avocado smoothie that we are going to comment on below.

A drink like this, prepared at home, with natural ingredients, can help us achieve our goal, as long as we include it within a healthy lifestyle.

By itself, it will not provide the benefits we want to obtain. Therefore, it is essential to include it in a balanced, varied, rich, sufficient and complete diet that meets our organic needs.

If we have already consulted with the family doctor and the nutritionist what is the eating plan that is best for us, then we can incorporate this drink more easily.

How to lose weight and gain muscle?

If we set ourselves the two objectives of losing weight and, at the same time, gaining muscle, we must focus on food and physical exercise.

On the one hand, the diet should be rich in vegetables and good quality protein , without forgetting the healthy fats that, instead of gaining weight, increase metabolism and the burning of calories.

Healthy low calorie diet.

Second, we must do medium-high intensity physical exercise on a regular basis, two or three times a week. Additionally, cardiovascular exercises are recommended.

We can progressively achieve this double challenge while always focusing on being healthy, with energy, vitality and a good mood.

Benefits of green smoothies

In order to lose weight and gain muscle mass in a healthy way, we must, therefore, give higher priority to the consumption of:

  • Healthy fats.
  • Good quality proteins.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as celery, arugula, watercress, spinach, lamb’s lettuce, beet greens, etc.

And how can we do this? Well, through the green smoothies. These drinks offer us healthy, nutritious and delicious breakfasts and snacks.

Avocado smoothie

To prepare a delicious and healthy avocado smoothie you just have to follow the following recipe.


  • 1 medium ripe avocado.
  • A handful of raw green leafy vegetables.
  • 1 fruit (ripe banana, pear, apple or pineapple).
  • 1 glass of water or vegetable drink – oatmeal, rice, spelled or almond – (250 ml).

We can also add other healthy ingredients, which can help us lose kilos and gain muscle, such as:

  • Maca powder (to taste).
  • A handful of prunes.
  • Pea protein (to taste).
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds (5 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of hemp seeds (5 g).


  • We will peel the avocado and put it in the blender along with the green leafy vegetables, the fruit and the drink that we have chosen.
  • We will beat well, at least for one or two minutes, until we get a homogeneous drink without lumps.
  • The texture is quite creamy, so we can add more drink if we want the avocado smoothie to be more liquid.

Consumption mode

  • On an empty stomach, in the morning, as a complement to breakfast.
  • As a snack. It is a very suitable option for those people who tend to have a great appetite between meals since it satisfies the appetite and avoids the intake of unhealthy foods, such as sweets and snacks.
  • At least an hour before playing sports. At this time, the drink can provide all the energy we need and also, it would be easy to digest, so as not to interfere with exercise.
  • Right after the workout, no more than half an hour goes by. It is the most effective time to gain muscle mass.

Avocado recipes

Avocado smoothie considerations

  • The avocado smoothie should never replace a main meal. Nor can it be used as the sole source of food, as it could be harmful to health.
  • In case you want to consume this and other shakes, remember that it is advisable to maintain moderation. Drink a maximum of two glasses of water a day.
  • It is advisable to avoid adding sugar and any other type of sweetener to smoothies, in order to keep the preparation as healthy as possible.

A food like avocado can help us lose weight, as long as we include it in moderation in a healthy diet.

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