Biscuit, Flan And Chocolate Cake

The biscuit, flan and chocolate cake is a composition of three delicacies, which together, form one of the easiest and richest desserts that exist. Rare is the child who has not made the biscuit, flan and chocolate cake with his mother or his teacher at school.

On this occasion, we are going to show you this “childish” recipe, but adding flan in the middle, and chocolate covering on top. So that there is no doubt, we are going to give you the complete recipe for the biscuit, flan and chocolate cake. Take note:

Biscuit, flan and chocolate cake 


  • 1 package of Neapolitan type cookies
  • 1 and a half liters of whole milk
  • 300 grams of milk chocolate
  • 200 grams of dark chocolate for coverage or fondant
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • Two envelopes of classic flan preparation (Mandarin, Royal, Hacendado, etc.)

three chocolate cake


  • Grated coconut for garnish
  • A shot of hazelnut liqueur

To decorate

  • Lacasitos
  • M & Ms
  • Nuts
  • Colored chocolate shavings or noodles


Note: We are going to prepare our biscuit, flan and chocolate cake in a rectangular mold, since this time the biscuits that we are going to use are also rectangular (Neapolitan type).

  • First, we dip the cookies in a glass of milk and we strain them neatly into the rectangular mold until the base is covered.
  • Second, if there are excess holes on the edges, we cut some cookies with the knife or hand and fill in these holes, until we make a complete base.
  • Third, in a saucepan, put the 300 grams of milk chocolate and add a glass of milk.
  • Then, we put to heat over high heat. We stir everything until the chocolate is dissolved in the milk and thickens.
  • Once the chocolate is thick, we pour half into the cake, on the base of aligned cookies. We distribute everything well, spreading it with the help of a pastry tongue. We reserve the rest of the chocolate.
  • If we had placed the base cookies horizontally or vertically, in this layer we will place them in the opposite direction.
  • Likewise, we will soak them in milk and complete the layer in the entire mold.


  • In the next layer we will add flan. We will make the flan according to the chosen brand.
  • If you have chosen to make the classic Mandarin flan, we will do it as follows: add the sugar and an envelope of classic Mandarin flan in a saucepan. We put it over high heat and we add milk little by little.
  • We stir with a hand mixer until we have all the milk added and the ingredients dissolve. Once we have the half liter of milk added to the saucepan, we do not stop stirring until the flan preparation reaches a boil.
  • When it starts to boil, we turn off the heat and remove it. We let it rest a little for a few minutes and we will add everything to the cake, on top of the cookies.
  • Let it rest for about ten minutes, until the flan sets a little.

    Chocolate cake

    And now…

    • Next, we will add another layer of cookies. We will soak them in milk and place them in the opposite direction than the previous layer, and in the same direction as the base layer.
    • On top we will place the rest of the melted milk chocolate that we had reserved.
    • Again in the opposite direction to the previous one, we will place another layer of cookies soaked in milk.
    • Optionally, add a layer of grated coconut sprinkled on top of the biscuit, flan and chocolate cake.
    • Next, we will make  another flan preparation as in the previous point, or as indicated by the chosen flan brand. We toss the grated coconut on top.
    • Then let it rest for another ten minutes until the top flan sets.
    • We will place another layer of cookies dipped in milk on top, in the opposite direction to the layer of cookies below.
    • Now, we will finish our biscuit, flan and chocolate cake, with chocolate cover or fondant.
    • We will add the 200 grams of chocolate covering or fondant in a saucepan with half a liter of milk. We put everything over high heat and stir until the chocolate is melted and a thick chocolate is formed .

    By last…

    • Optionally, we will add a shot of hazelnut liqueur and stir for a few more minutes. After a minute of rest, we add it to the cake.
    • Then, at  room temperature, we will let our biscuit, flan and chocolate cake rest for half an hour  and, once it is warm, we will put it in the fridge for a minimum of 6 hours up to a maximum of 24 hours.
    • Then, after 24 hours, a compact cake with bonded layers will be left, cold and refreshing.
    • Finally, decorate the cake as you want: Lacasitos, M & Ms, nuts, colored shavings, etc.
    • Finally, serve and enjoy.

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