Do Doctors Recommend Drinking Red Wine?

Articles and publications appear every day that talk about the many benefits of drinking red wine. However, most of these studies are not scientifically endorsed, and do not provide a true source of information, which can end up misinforming the person.

As explained by the professionals from Fundación Española del Corazón, the antioxidants contained in wine can help prevent cardiovascular diseases because they increase the levels of ‘good’ cholesterol and cause a protective effect on the arteries.

But you have to be very careful with this, since excessive consumption can have very serious health consequences.

We develop this idea below, explaining how wine can affect the body.

What makes this wine so good?

Red wine contains a substance (present in red grapes) called chemical resveratrol, which seems to help slow the body’s inflammatory process , thus delaying such important issues as:

  • Aging in general and even in cognitive aspects.
  • It acts as a cardiovascular protector.

There are some foods that are high in antioxidants, including wine and green tea . The most interesting thing is that research carried out at the University of Leeds, England, concludes that these antioxidants delay the signs of aging and also help in the fight against diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Benefits of drinking red wine

As we mentioned earlier, small amounts of wine can help increase HDL (good) cholesterol. Its characteristics as an antioxidant prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, as highlighted by a publication of the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition , it helps to increase the presence of good cholesterol by up to 16%.

Recently, the American Heart Association explained how different studies have been able to associate moderate alcohol consumption with fewer deaths from heart disease in recent decades.

These studies are focused on the incidence of red wine, rich in flavonoids, an element that provides a vasodilator effect, beneficial for the arteries, as well as tannins and polyphenols, present in the seeds and the skin of the grape. These elements would function as antioxidants against molecules known as free radicals.

On the other hand, wine can also improve the symptoms associated with varicose veins, as well as help slow down aging.

Uses of wine in the past

Wine and its effects on health are a subject of controversy and ongoing study. It is undeniable that wine has had an important trajectory in the past as a medication, as an antiseptic to heal wounds, to promote digestion and even the convenience of drinking red wine in the absence of drinking water was raised.

Obviously there are very good reasons to drink red wine frequently, but like everything in life, in moderation. In any case, it will always be advisable to consult any health-related question with a professional, especially if it is related to sensitive issues such as cardiology.

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