Eliminate Dark Circles In A Natural And Effective Way

Many of the cosmetic products we buy to reduce those pesky undereye spots don’t actually solve the problem. For this reason, here are some tricks to eliminate dark circles in a natural and effective way.

It is well known that this aspect has always afflicted and worried many women. Well, aesthetically, sometimes they make us look tired.

The formation of dark circles causes an alteration of the color of the skin, either by excess or by defect. Thus, there may be hyperpigmentation or excessive translucency under the lower eyelids.

So let’s get to it!

9 tips to remove dark circles naturally and effectively

1. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun

Dark circles are related to the skin’s pigmentation processes. Therefore, excessive exposure to sunlight is one of the exogenous causes that cause them.

On many occasions, this reason is not recognized as an important and causal agent of these unpleasant bags. To try to avoid it, it is important to wear sunglasses and sunscreen.

2. Get enough sleep, but not too much

Sleeping well is essential to eliminate dark circles naturally

It is undeniable that a good night’s sleep is our eyes’ best friend. When we sleep too much, the bags under the eyes become inflamed and when we sleep too little, the dark circles with their characteristic pigmentation soon appear.

A good rest will be the best ally for your eyelids and your skin in general. Therefore, manage your time very well so that you can get enough sleep (at least seven hours a day).

This will benefit your general health and has countless aesthetic advantages.

3. Refresh the area daily

The inclination or propensity to suffer from dark circles can be genetic or come from diseases such as hyperthyroidism or hormonal disorders.

If you have a tendency to present dark circles, the most appropriate thing is to apply a moisturizer and refreshing tonics, at least twice a day. Preferably, it should be applied when getting up so that the effect is greater.

4. Infusions of chamomile and fennel

An infusion of chamomile or fennel is very useful to calm this delicate area and eliminate dark circles in a natural way.


  • 1 tablespoon of chamomile or fennel (15 g)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • We will heat the water and, when it boils, we will add the chosen herb and let it infuse for 3 or 5 minutes.
  • After the indicated time, we will strain and let it cool.


  • As a recommendation, it will be better to put the preparation in the fridge for a long time to cool.
  • When it is ready, we will impregnate a cotton ball with the infusion and we will place it on the area for a few minutes.
  • Finally, it will be necessary to rinse with plenty of water.

5. Goat milk

Goat milk to remove dark circles naturally

Very cold goat’s milk is very useful to relax your tired eyes and reduce dark circles. 


  • To make use of it you will have to lightly wet a cotton ball, and apply on your eyelids.
  • Leave for 10 minutes to soak on the skin and rinse with plenty of water to finish. You will be able to nourish your skin and end dark circles.

6. Honey and grated potato

This treatment improves the appearance of dark circles immediately. To appreciate the results, it must be applied for at least 15 consecutive days.


  • 1 raw potato
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)

Preparation and application

  • To make this home remedy you will have to grate a raw potato and mix with a tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply and let it sit for at least 15 minutes.
  • To finish, rinse with plenty of water.

7. Golden mask

It is a natural preparation of Hindu origin. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, this mask can considerably improve the appearance of dark circles if applied 3 times a week.


  • ½ tablespoon of turmeric (7 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of carbonated water (15 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of rose water (15 ml)


  • To make it, simply mix the turmeric with a few drops of rose water and carbonated water and combine well.
  • It is applied and left on the skin for 15 minutes. Then it must be removed with plenty of water.

8. Vitamin E capsules

Another remedy to eliminate dark circles in a natural way is undoubtedly vitamin E.  It is a powerful antioxidant that also protects from the sun’s rays. To make we will use ground coffee to be able to integrate it with the vitamin E capsule.

Caffeine stimulates microcirculation in the area and, together with vitamin E, visibly improves dark circles immediately.


  • 1 tablespoon of ground coffee (15 g)
  • 1 vitamin E capsule


This trick is especially useful if we have a party or an event and our dark circles are very marked

  • We will mix both ingredients until we obtain a homogeneous paste and we will apply it in the area of ​​the dark circles.
  • If we do not have vitamin E, we can substitute a little aloe vera or aloe gel.

9. Green tea

Green tea to remove dark circles naturally

After making your infusion, leave the bags very wet and put them in the fridge for a few minutes. When they are fresh, place them on the eyelids and you can take advantage of all the antioxidant and detoxifying properties of tea in this area of ​​your skin.

Now you know how to remove dark circles naturally and effectively. If you are one of those who have chronic dark circles, do not hesitate to try these tips to see which one suits you best.

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