Fruit Smoothies To Take Care Of Your Body

Fruit smoothies are a good option to start the day, since, in addition to being beneficial for the body, they contain ingredients whose nutrients can contribute to the prevention of certain health conditions.

Factors such as a poor diet, stress, pollution or even the medications we take, can have negative consequences for the intestine or liver. As a consequence, our digestion becomes heavier, we feel more tired, and we tend to accumulate more fluids.

Although these fruit smoothies are not a miracle treatment against these conditions, they are a simple and delicious way to obtain nutrients that are beneficial to improve them. Next, we explain how to prepare them. Take note!

Pineapple and flax seed smoothie

This drink, in addition to being refreshing, is a good option when thinking about a food that provides fiber to our body. Pineapple is a tropical fruit that, among other nutrients and properties, provides the body with an enzyme called bromelain.

According to a study by Biomedical Reports , this enzyme can be positive in the treatment of intestinal disorders if it is consumed regularly.

For its part, a study by Nutrients  suggests that flax seeds have anti-inflammatory activity and contain fiber, which can serve as an adjunct in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Now that we know the benefits of this combination, it is time to prepare it.

Pineapple and flax seed smoothie


  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • To start, you just have to put the two slices of natural pineapple, the half cucumber and the glass of water in the blender.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous smoothie, add the lemon juice and the tablespoon of flax seeds. Mix well and enjoy!

    Apple, lemon and oatmeal smoothie

    This smoothie with a citrus touch, can be consumed between meals, since the consumption of apple could increase the feeling of satiety, according to a study published in the journal Appetite .

    On the other hand, oats are popularly known as a complete food that provides several benefits to the body thanks to its content of dietary fiber and carbohydrates.

    A study published in Nutrition Reviews  found a link between oatmeal consumption and reduced appetite. This, like the apple, could lower your calorie intake for the day, which is beneficial for your body weight.

    The lemon flavor can be a bit strong, so only a few drops can be dropped. However, it should be remembered that this fruit contains vitamin C, so it is worth including it in these natural fruit smoothies.

    Apple, lemon and oatmeal smoothie


    • 1 green apple
    • The juice of ½ lemon
    • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (20 g)
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • To prepare it, it will be very useful to include the green apple with skin, since it contains more fiber. Cut it into 4 parts and remove the seeds from the center.
    • Add the water, apple and tablespoons of oatmeal to the blender. When you get a smooth smoothie, add the lemon juice.

    Orange, papaya and carrot smoothie

    Yellow or orange fruits are rich in beta-carotene, a plant pigment that helps the body produce vitamin A. According to a National Institutes of Health publication , this vitamin is important for vision, the immune system, and reproduction.

    On the other hand, orange and papaya are well-known and popularly used fruits to improve digestion.

    Orange, papaya and carrot smoothie


    • 1/4 of papaya (200 g)
    • 1 orange
    • 1 carrot
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • 1/2 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • The first thing is to get the orange juice.
    • Cut the papaya into small pieces. Do the same with the carrot.
    • In the blender, add the papaya, the carrot, the orange juice, the glass of water and the honey. Mix everything well and try this delicious and healthy drink to start your day.

    Strawberry, watermelon and lemon smoothie

    This is one of the fruit smoothies that would come in handy in the middle of the afternoon. In addition, if we add some ice cubes it will become a refreshing drink, ideal for hot days.

    Watermelon not only has a delicious taste, but also diuretic properties, as mentioned in a study published in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy  on the components and benefits of this fruit in the body.

    And what can we say about strawberries? This sweet and juicy fruit is known to provide fiber to the body. In fact, a WebMD post  suggests that strawberries contain 3-4 grams of fiber, making them a good choice for increasing feelings of fullness and aiding digestion.

    Refreshing fruit smoothies


    • 1 cup of watermelon (200 g)
    • The juice of ½ lemon
    • 8 strawberries
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


    • The first thing is to cut the watermelon into small pieces.
    • Next, get the juice of half a lemon. Then wash and cut the strawberries in half.
    • Add the watermelon, strawberries, lemon and water to the blender. Don’t forget to add some ice cubes. It will be very refreshing!

    Blueberry Tangerine Smoothie

    Blueberries have become very popular in recent years, not only for their distinctive flavor but for their antioxidant content.

    Additionally, a WebMD post  suggests that this fruit contains salicylic acid, which may help prevent bloating and fluid retention. For its part, mandarin, like oranges, is a source of vitamin C and fiber.

    Blueberry Tangerine Smoothie


    • 2 tangerines
    • 10 blueberries
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


    • To do this, all you have to do is tear off the tangerines and take them to the blender. Also add the 10 blueberries.
    • Beat for a few seconds until the two fruits are well combined with the water. Sweeten with honey and drink in the morning, or in the afternoon. You will see how good it suits you!

    What to keep in mind about fruit smoothies?

    Remember that fruit smoothies can be consumed on a regular basis to supplement the diet .  However, it is necessary to combine them with regular exercise and a balanced diet, to take full advantage of their properties.

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