How To Clean Our Ears Correctly?

It is very important to learn how to clean your ears properly to prevent earwax buildup from causing problems. Although the ear has a natural self-cleaning system, it is sometimes necessary to remove debris.

The problem is that sometimes the methods used are inappropriate, such as the use of cotton buds. Although these seem practical, they can cause injuries ranging from obstruction to infection and perforation. How should it be done?

When wax plugs cause hearing difficulties, it is essential to see a professional for proper treatment. If it’s just regular cleaning, there are some natural alternatives that can help. Take note!

Why is it dangerous to put foreign objects in the ear?

Before going into detail about the methods to properly clean the ears, it is prudent to review why foreign objects should not be inserted into them. Using pencils, swabs, or keys to remove wax can be quite dangerous.

The ear canal is a complex structure shaped like a funnel. Its narrowest part goes towards the inside of the head, specifically the tympanic membrane. There, thanks to the secretion of glands, the earwax is made.

It is essential to bear in mind that this fatty substance has a protective function, since it prevents dust and other particles from reaching the eardrum. Therefore, its presence, in a certain amount, is necessary to avoid the development of some infections.

But since its accumulation can also be counterproductive, it must sometimes be withdrawn. However, introducing foreign objects such as those already mentioned, can cause:

  • Let the wax penetrate deeper into the ear canal.
  • An alteration in the pH of the ear canal.
  • Decreased defense mechanisms when fighting infectious agents.
  • Formation of earwax plugs that can make hearing difficult.

Ways to properly clean your ears

There are several methods to properly clean your ears without using dangerous tools. Some natural remedies may be helpful. However, whenever possible solutions with oils, waxes or candles should be avoided. The recommended options are:


How To Remove Excess Ear Wax Naturally

The use of drops can help to properly and safely clean the ears. In fact, it is one of the preferred alternatives. In the market they are available in different presentations and their ingredients can include hydrogen peroxide, sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate.

Note :tounque are effective in people with sensitivity can cause irritation. A small test should be done before using them in their entirety.


When the problem of accumulation of earwax is persistent, the professional may advise an irrigation of the ear. It is a procedure also known as syringe washing, which involves an injection of warm water to soften the wax.

Note :the technique must be applied by an expert, as a mistake can lead to damage to the eardrum.

Soft cloth

This is one of the best options for cleaning your ears at home. Considering that the ear has a “self-cleaning” mechanism, it is not necessary to completely remove the wax. Therefore, it is enough to use a soft and damp cloth to remove the excesses.

The only exception not to use this method is when the earwax causes obstructions or infections. If so, the doctor should do a review and prescribe other treatments.


properly clean our ears

Chamomile water is one of the natural options that can help clean the ears without causing unwanted reactions. Its components regulate the pH of the ear canal and help soften the wax that causes obstructions.

  • To use it you must make an infusion with chamomile flowers. Then, you pass the liquid through a strainer and use it while it is still warm. Gently insert it into the ear using a syringe or dropper. Lastly, drain the waste.

On the other hand, in pharmacies you can find sprays with solutions that contain chamomile, which are suitable for cleaning the ear.

How often should the ears be cleaned?

The general recommendation is to clean the external auditory canal 2 or 3 times a week. For this, you can use a gauze or damp cloth. If the ear is secreting a lot of wax, other cleaning methods can be used at least once a month.

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