How To Make Deodorant And Relaxing Foot Powders

Before teaching you how to make deodorant powders, it should be noted that maintaining proper foot hygiene is important. However, sometimes, no matter how much we take care of them, the bad smell is almost inevitable.

You should not see it as something that only happens to you, in fact,  the soles of the feet have many sweat glands. Daily activity, continuous movement and very closed footwear are the “classics responsible” for that bad smell.

Now, is it possible to combat this annoying problem? Of course. Today we want to show you a very simple remedy. With it you will avoid the bad smell of sweat and you will fight against those dangerous bacteria that, sometimes, can bring us more than one problem.

Talcum powder for feet

A most traditional remedy to prevent foot odor is to use talcum powder, or “baby powder.” They are easy to find and very common in our day to day. However, due to the continued use that we usually make of them, we may experience some other problems.

Talcum powder

Have you ever wondered what talcum powder actually is? It is a mineral compound of magnesium silicate, very useful to treat irritations.  The problem with talcum powder is that we inadvertently inhale it.

Imagine a person who has used them for their whole life, for example, as a deodorant, and who has also used them for years to take care of their children’s skin when they were young. This continuous inhalation can cause chronic or acute lung irritation, or what is known as talcosis.

For more than 50 years the use of talcum powder in women has been advertised as an ideal remedy to prevent odor. Talcum powder by itself does not cause problems, the risk is in making a continuous and intense use of that mineral.

How to make talc-free deodorant powders

To avoid using talcum powder every day to reduce foot odor, we recommend that you put this simple remedy into practice. In it, we have replaced talcum powder with cornstarch or cornmeal. It is a safe and reliable alternative.

Ingredients for deodorant powders

  • 25 g cornstarch or cornstarch
  • 15 g of baking soda
  • 3 drops of tea tree essential oil
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil

As you can see, they are easy to get ingredients. One of the most important is tea tree essential oil. You will find it in specialized perfumeries or natural stores. Tea tree oil is widely used in natural medicine for all these reasons:

  • It is the best natural antiseptic that exists, it acts as a bactericidal, antifungal and antiviral.
  • It is a very effective anti-inflammatory and deodorant.
  • If we have very sensitive skin you can dilute it with 5 drops of water.

For its part, sodium bicarbonate is also a very suitable natural option to serve as a deodorant. It is inexpensive, practical and without side effects.

The only element that may have surprised you is, without a doubt, the cornstarch. Cornmeal works in a very similar way to talcum powder : it absorbs, treats, softens and reduces odor.

  • Cornmeal is also used to make homemade dry shampoos  that help us absorb the oil from the hair and make it look brighter with just one brushing.
  • It will be very useful as a deodorant and relaxant for the feet, where lavender oil will relax our muscles and that tension that we usually accumulate at the end of the day in this part of the body.

Preparation of deodorant powders

Tired feet

Making these deodorant powders is very simple, and for this we will only need a glass bowl or bowl.

  • Pour in the cornmeal and mix with the baking soda.
  • Once well mixed, add the essential oils.
  • If your feet are very sensitive, as we have indicated before, do not hesitate to add 5 drops of water to soften the antiseptic intensity of the tea tree.
  • Stir all the ingredients well with the help of a spoon. You will see that the smell is very pleasant, as well as refreshing.
  • It is important to  keep these deodorant powders in a tightly closed glass bottle.

Apply the powder every morning with clean feet. You will see how you arrive in the afternoon with a very pleasant feeling of freshness and comfort, and without that annoying bad smell.

In addition, it can be used by both adults and children.  In the latter case, it will always be better to dilute the content with those 5 drops of water. It is natural, inexpensive and effective. Do you dare to prepare it today?

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