How To Remove Excess Earwax Naturally

Some natural methods can help soften the earwax to make it easier to remove and prevent it from clogging the ear canal. However, they should be used with caution. Discover them!

Ear wax is a natural substance secreted by the glands of the ear canal to lubricate and provide protection against external agents. Contrary to what many think, it is not a waste substance but, rather, one of the types of defense that the body has against fungi, viruses and bacteria.

The problem occurs when it occurs excessively and blocks the canal, causing discomfort such as ringing, partial hearing loss and the sensation of itching.

The most worrying thing is that most do not know how to treat it correctly and turn to items such as hair clips, cotton swabs and even fingers. These appear to remove a fair amount of built-up wax, but actually push most of it into the ear.

For this reason, it is convenient to know other methods to remove it and avoid possible complications. In this space we share some recommendations and natural remedies that can help. Discover them!

Why is it necessary to remove ear wax?

As a publication in the National Center for Biotechnology Information explains , ear wax production follows a natural process in humans. Its function is to protect the area against infections, insects or water. In addition, under normal conditions, this substance is eliminated from the ear canal through movement of the jaw.

However, when this self-cleaning mechanism fails, or there is excessive production, wax impaction can lead to discomfort in the ear, such as hearing loss, tinnitus, itching, among others. Hence, the importance of removing the excess of this substance.

However, in the presence of these symptoms it is important to go to the professional, as it requires proper management to avoid complications. The practitioner may resort to removal methods such as cerumenolytic agents, irrigation, and manual removal.

Natural remedies to remove ear wax

Natural remedies to remove ear wax may be an option when there is too much earwax with no symptoms involved. That is, they can be applied when a build-up of wax is noticeable with the naked eye. However, it must be done with caution, as a bad application increases the risk of injury to the eardrum.

In addition, it must be taken into account that these types of solutions lack scientific support and, for the most part, come from popular literature. Therefore, they should be avoided at all costs if there are signs of ear canal problems or a disease has already been diagnosed.

1. Saline solution

A saline solution can help soften the wax for easier removal. Of course, according to information in the Cleveland Clinic, this remedy should be avoided by those who have or suspect a perforated eardrum. Let’s see in detail how it is done.

Natural remedies to remove ear wax


  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt (2 g)
  • ½ cup of warm water (125 ml)
  • 1 piece of cotton

What should you do?

  • To start, dissolve the salt in half a cup of warm water until well incorporated.
  • Next, dip a cotton ball in the liquid and put a few drops inside the ear.
  • Keep your head bowed for three to five minutes to allow the water to reach inside.
  • Then turn it in the opposite direction to drain it.
  • Finally, wipe the outside with a clean cloth to remove the ear wax.

2. Warm olive oil against excess ear wax

An experimental study published in Practice Nurse determined that regular lubrication with olive oil could increase the wax content in the ear canal. However, applying it shortly before a professional removes the wax can help it to be completely removed.

Although the evidence is limited for now, anecdotal data suggests that it may be a remedy to soften accumulated wax. The important thing is to use it in a moderate way, with the precautions already mentioned.


  • 3 drops of warm olive oil
  • 1 dropper

What should you do?

  • First, heat the olive oil a little and apply two or three drops to the affected ear.
  • Wait for it to set for about 10 minutes to allow the wax to soften.
  • After this time, tilt your head to the side and remove the oil and wax from the ears.

3. Almond oil

For now, there is no evidence linking the use of almond oil with cleaning the ear. However, entities such as the National Health Service suggest its application in small amounts when there is an excessive accumulation of wax. In particular, like olive oil, it seems to help soften it.

Almonds oil


  • 3 drops of almond oil
  • 1 dropper

What should you do?

  • First, fill the dropper with almond oil at a low temperature and apply 3 drops to the clogged ear.
  • Keep your head on one side so that the oil reaches the inside of the ear.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes for the hardened wax to fully soften.
  • After the indicated time, put a tissue over the greased ear and turn to the opposite side to drain the oil.
  • To finish, wipe off the excess with a soft cloth.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide is one of the most popular remedies when it comes to wanting to remove the wax accumulated in the ears. The Mayo Clinic suggests it as an adjuvant to soften the earwax and promote its elimination. 

However, it should be avoided if there are signs of infection or other problems, as if the discomfort is not from a wax blockage, it could cause complications.


  • 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide (5 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of water (5 ml)
  • Dropper

What should you do?

  • First, combine equal parts hydrogen peroxide with water.
  • Next, fill the dropper with the solution and apply five drops to the affected ear.
  • Let it act for 10 minutes with the head tilted and then turn to the opposite side to remove it.
  • Remove the wax that is left in the outer ear with a clean cloth.

5. Baby oil to remove ear wax

Baby oil to remove ear wax

In the same Mayo Clinic publication that we discussed in the previous section, baby oil is another resource to soften accumulated wax. It should be used under the same recommendations, in small quantities.


  • 5 drops of baby oil
  • 1 dropper
  • 1 piece of cotton

What should you do?

  • Put the baby oil in the dropper and apply two to five drops to the affected area.
  • Put a cotton ball in your ear to prevent the oil from oozing out.
  • Wait five minutes and tilt your head in the handsome direction.
  • Clean the cavity with a soft cloth.

Removing the ear wax: what should you remember?

You can use these solutions when there are no signs of a serious ear problem. If so, it is necessary to go to a professional before attempting any type of cleaning. Likewise, the use of a paper clip, cotton swab, hairpins or similar items should be completely avoided, as they can cause problems.

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