How To Substitute Bread In Your Sandwiches, Gluten-free Options

If you have stopped eating gluten for any reason, here are 8 original gluten-free recipe options to replace wheat bread. You will love it!

Have you eliminated gluten from your diet for health reasons and you don’t know how to substitute bread for your sandwiches? Discover 8 gluten-free alternatives to wheat bread to enjoy original, different and very healthy recipes.

Thus, you can continue eating your favorite breakfast or snack. To do this, in this article we share gluten-free options with which you will not get bored any day of the week, based on vegetables, algae, pulses and root vegetables, etc.

Gluten-free sandwiches

Those who have decided to stop eating gluten, whatever the reason, should know that there are a wide variety of alternatives to wheat bread when making sandwiches.

Although more and more bakeries are incorporating gluten-free cereal breads (buckwheat, chickpea, oats, millet, quinoa, etc.), we can also try other forms than the traditional sandwich.

Perhaps, it had never occurred to you to wrap cheese and tomato in lettuce leaves, cassava crêpes or sheets of dehydrated nori seaweed . However, if you dare with different flavors and textures, you can enjoy varied and very healthy recipes every day. Here we highlight 8 alternatives to the wheat flour sandwich.

Lettuce wraps

1. Lettuce leaves

If, in addition to eating gluten-free, you are looking for light and vegetable options to accompany different types of garnishes, we recommend that you opt for a light and natural food: lettuce leaves.

You may not know it, but there are many varieties of lettuce, among which we recommend that you choose the ones with a large and elastic leaf, which are the most suitable so that you can make your wraps with the filling you want.

Remember that this vegetable contains a significant amount of fiber, a nutrient that has been shown to be beneficial for digestive health.

2. Nori seaweed sheets

In Asian product stores we can find sheets of dehydrated nori seaweed , since they are the ones used to make the famous sushi . These seaweed are now ready to eat and do not require any type of cooking. Although they are dry, when they come into contact with wet food they become flexible, so that we can fill them with any food.

Its flavor is intense and salty, and can remind us of fish. They combine very well with avocado, smoked salmon, corn, olives, etc. In addition, they are a source of iron. This mineral is essential to prevent the development of anemia, according to a study published in The Medical Clinics of North America .

3. Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour

Chickpea flour is one of the best known gluten-free to replace wheat flour. Besides, it has the great advantage that it does not need the egg to compact the food. With this flour we can make breads,  crêpes,  cakes, etc. This flour is also very nutritious, rich in protein and fiber, making it a much more complete food than refined wheat.

4. Cassava starch

Cassava or yucca is a common tuber in Latin American gastronomy. It can be compared to potato, sweet potato and other root vegetables, both for its texture and its nutritional values.

Cassava starch is the gluten-free ingredient with which we can make breads, crêpes , cookies, etc. It provides a lot of elasticity to the dough and its texture and flavor are very pleasant.

5. Rice and corn pancakes

Rice and corn pancakes are present today in any supermarket. Although they have little flavor, they are a satiating and crunchy food with which we can accompany any sauce or appetizer.

6. Rice slices

Rice slices are a very common ingredient in Asian cuisine. They stand out for their rigidity and their transparent color, but they become flexible when wet with water. In this way, we can fill them with all kinds of ingredients and then eat them raw, fry or bake them.

One of the most famous recipes is spring rolls that are filled with cabbage, carrots, soy, meat, etc.

7. Buckwheat

What is buckwheat or buckwheat?

Buckwheat, despite its name, does not belong to the gluten-containing cereal family that we know. It is also called buckwheat or black wheat, and it is a food with a high content of nutrients. In addition, this food contains minerals such as potassium, capable of reducing blood pressure. This is what nutrition experts say.

With buckwheat, the famous galettes  are made  in countries such as France or Belgium, which are  salty crêpes of a darker color than the sweet ones (made of wheat flour) that are usually filled with ham, cheese, mushrooms, hard-boiled egg, etc.

With buckwheat flour we can also make very tasty breads, as well as pizza doughs.

Use alternatives to bread

Do you dare to prepare some of the mentioned options? In this way you can get very palatable gluten-free recipes, suitable for people with celiac disease.

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