How To Take Care Of The Face With Clay

Although there are no recent studies that support all the information that is going to be given below, it is said that clay has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps eliminate toxins accumulated under the skin. It is a great ally to treat acne skin, lighten dark spots on the face and reduce small wrinkles. The best of all? It has no contraindications, whatever your skin type.

For the face, always use green clay (montmorillonite) or white (kaolinite), and distilled or chlorine-free water, to mix. Metal containers or spoons should not be used; but of clay, glass, earthenware or wood.

Clay mask

The clay  absorbs impurities and oil accumulated on the skin, carries away dead cells, and stimulates circulation. It can be combined with essential oils or medicinal plants to cleanse the skin more in depth and enhance its properties.

Although clay hydrates and helps restore muscle tone, on dry or very sensitive skin it can cause very mild irritation. The fine particles on the skin have an effect similar to an exfoliator. But do not be alarmed, the clay purifies and balances the pH of the skin, it is only a temporary reaction.

These clays indicated for the face contain, among other ingredients:

  • Cobalt: helps to eliminate dead cells and to polish the skin in depth.
  • Magnesium: provides firmness and elasticity.
  • Zinc, silicon and copper: responsible for producing elastin and collagen, for a more flexible and taut skin.

Caring for the face with green clay

How to choose the ideal clay for your skin type

Despite the fact that there are no recent studies that support the information that is going to be given below, there is a popular belief that affirms the following due to the elements of which the different types of clay are composed, therefore, from here we recommend in First, go to the corresponding specialist doctor before making any change in our lifestyle.

  • For skin with a lot of acne,  it is advisable to apply a green clay mask once a week. If your skin has white bumps, you can add two or three drops of tea tree essential oil. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, they will help fight against those small skin infections.
  • For oily skin, the best are green clay and seaweed extract masks. They provide vitamins and minerals, in addition to leaving the skin smooth and nourished.
  • For dry or sensitive skin, white clay masks mixed with wheat germ oil and almond oil, and a few drops of calendula extract are recommended. This combination will help hydrate and smooth the skin.
  • For combination skin, the most effective are green clay masks with a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast and a teaspoon of virgin olive oil. It will help nourish the driest part without overloading the oily part, thus balancing the skin in depth.

    All masks should be applied to a clean, exfoliated face. Do not remove the mask until it is dry, when you will notice a slight tightness. Use a sponge and rinse your face with cold water.


    Due to its high content of minerals and antioxidant components, clay can be very useful in making a wide variety of natural cosmetics to keep skin beautiful and radiant.

    The most interesting thing is that we can combine it with other natural ingredients, since it is very versatile and its properties are not usually altered by this. So, don’t hesitate to include it in your beauty routine.

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