Kidney Cyst: What Are Its Symptoms?

Surely more than once you have heard about cysts in the kidneys. And it is that, in reality it is something really common among the population that does not imply excessive gravity. But still, it is worth knowing a little how they arise and what possible symptoms accompany their appearance. We will explain it to you below in more detail.

What are simple kidney cysts or kidney stones?

The kidneys perform several important functions for the balance of the body : they filter the blood, clean the body, control the salt in the body and remove the waste substances that we eliminate in the urine. They are two essential organs for existence, hence the importance of knowing what possible diseases are associated with it.

Echo showing cysts in the kidneys.

But let’s get to the central topic, what is really a cyst in a kidney? Well, a cyst is a closed bag or sac filled with air or fluid. Normally they are filled with a watery fluid, they are like “bumps” that emerge from the surface of the kidney itself or nephrons.

As Mayo Clinic experts point out, there are two types of kidney cysts:

  • Simple kidney cysts : These usually appear in aging, and are usually benign (that is, not cancerous).
  • Complex kidney cysts : tests are needed to determine their severity, as they can lead to serious problems such as kidney failure.

Who usually suffers from simple kidney cysts?

First of all, we have to take the matter off too seriously. Cysts in the kidney are not synonymous with cancer or a complication that will take away our quality of life.

A kidney cyst can be very common as we get older;  Hence, it is very normal for them to appear after the age of 50.

Older man in urological consultation.

What causes the cyst in the kidney?

The experts of the MSD Manual indicate that:

In general, it is considered normal for cysts to appear over the years, because the kidneys and bladder undergo changes with age. For example, nephrons begin to filter waste material from the blood.

If I have a kidney cyst, is it serious?

Usually no, they are not serious. It is something associated with age and occurs very frequently. Hence, they are simply called “simple kidney cysts,” and they do not usually lead to cancerous tumors. They are almost always harmless.

Now, they must be identified and controlled. If its walls are thick and irregular, then it may be associated with a type of cancer. But 70% of them are usually good and not serious at all. If there are a large number of these cysts in the kidney, they could cause kidney failure, and also polycystic kidney disease if it can be hereditary.

What are the symptoms of a kidney cyst?

A kidney cyst does not normally cause symptoms. Hence, the vast majority of people do not know they have it. However, if these cysts increase in size, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Fever.
  • Pain in the upper abdomen.
  • Mild, bothersome, and ongoing pain in the back or sides of the body.

In these cases, it is probably best to see a doctor as soon as possible.

How are simple kidney cysts treated?

It is necessary to make a routine to consume water.

Since cysts are usually not serious, they are not usually treated. But if a cyst puts a lot of pressure on the kidney, it will end up hindering its function, and then, there will be no other option but intervention. And how is this intervention? It can be of two types depending on where the cyst is located, and how large it is in question:

  • Puncture and drainage of the cyst, and then filled with alcohol. On rare occasions, the doctor reduces the size of the cyst by inserting a long, thin needle into the skin to pierce the wall of the kidney cyst. Then drain the fluid from the cyst.
  • Surgery: Usually performed laparoscopically, using thin instruments that are inserted through small holes in the abdomen. During surgery, the doctor drains the cyst and then cuts or burns it. It is done very quickly, and we will only be in the hospital for a few days.

Can I prevent kidney cysts?

They usually appear with age. But a basic way to always keep the kidneys in good condition is by maintaining a good quality of life. And you know how:

  • Drink natural fruit juices.
  • Drink enough water a day.
  • Avoid smoking, consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, avoiding red meat.
  • Avoid salt, refined flours, sugar, and carbonated drinks.

Taking care of the kidneys should be one of our priorities since we have to be aware of the importance of these organs for our health and quality of life. In addition, if any type of problem arises, the best thing to do is always go to the doctor to be able to treat it properly.

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