Preparation Of Essential Oils To Combat Acne

When using essential oils to combat acne we must bear in mind that some may be unsuitable for some skin types, so we must dilute them in a base oil.

Alternative medicine has repeatedly proposed the use of essential oils to combat mild acne. This is because these products have medicinal properties that not only contribute to the improvement of the health of the skin but also to the reduction of breakouts and impurities.

As you may have heard, one of the most common skin disorders is acne, which affects not only during adolescence, but at other stages of life, regardless of gender. For this reason, it is one of the main reasons for consultation in dermatology. The good news is that there are several forms of treatment, even in the form of remedies.

Natural remedies and solutions – such as essential oil preparation to combat acne – are intended to be a supplement to what the dermatologist indicates and not a substitute. The objective of this is to prevent patients from suffering adverse reactions or wasting the treatment prescribed by the specialist. Let’s see more below.

Essential oils to fight acne

One of the essential oils to combat mild acne par excellence is tea tree oil, since it is attributed antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. This we can use ─diluted previously─ on those grains that we want them to dry or reduce their size.

According to Mayo Clinic experts, ” Research indicates that a tea tree oil treatment gel may be effective in alleviating acne. “

Additionally, alternative medicine considers that its use within various anti-acne preparations could be beneficial in cases of mild acne.

Essential oils of orange, basil and acetic acid

Matiz et al. In their article Design and in vivo evaluation of acne formulas based on essential oils of orange (Citrus sinensis), basil (Ocimum basilicum L) and acetic acid, they designed a formula to see how effective it was. The results were classified between good and excellent.

According to the article itself tells us, orange essential oil was chosen because it has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. To this was added the essential oil of basil known for its stimulating, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic capacity.

However, the icing on all this was in the use of acetic acid that can be found in vinegar. Its great bactericidal properties were responsible for a notable improvement in all study participants. The reason, according to the article, is in “its mixed antiseptic and keratolytic activity.”


To make this preparation of essential oils to combat acne, a 3% concentration of orange oil and 5% basil oil were used. Likewise, with respect to acetic acid, 12% was used. Our recommendation on this preparation is the following:

  • Use 3 tablespoons of base cream (45 ml)
  • Add 7 drops of each oil.
  • Integrate everything.

We will leave acetic acid to use as a tonic before applying our cream. To do this, we will soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and we will pass it over the face, except for the eyes. We will let it dry and proceed to apply the preparation that we have indicated.

Acne marks

Essential oils to fight acne

As we have said, this preparation of essential oils to combat acne can be reinforced with the use of tea tree to dry pimples or pimples, as long as the dermatologist authorizes it. However, what happens to the marks that we can get due to acne? For this, there is nothing better than rosehip oil.

It is important that we acquire essential oils as pure as possible. Of course, we must bear in mind that it is not very positive to apply them directly on the skin, except in the case that we do it in specific areas, for example, on a pimple.

  • If we have a large area of ​​our face full of acne marks, the ideal is to make a cream with rosehip oil to apply it and see how the marks are progressively reduced.
  • Although we can add a few drops of this oil to any face cream, it is better to use a base cream. The reason is that it is a “pure” cream suitable to receive any other product and to benefit from all its properties.

What has worked for you to deal with acne? Have you got any marks? Have you suffered from adult acne? We hope that this essential oil preparation to fight acne will help you reduce and improve it. Also, don’t forget to follow the dermatologist’s guidelines and always resolve any concerns you may have with him.

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