Relieve Cough With Black Pepper, Clove And Ginger

If the symptoms do not subside after a few days of taking the preparation, consult your doctor, as it could be something more complicated that requires a special treatment.

Coughs, colds and other respiratory ailments can affect your health, especially in cold or rainy seasons. Take advantage of the options that nature gives you and relieve coughs with black pepper, sweet cloves and ginger.

This time we share a very effective remedy made with few ingredients. Although coughing is a very common discomfort, it is also necessary that you know its possible causes to decide how to act on it.

Perhaps when you feel some discomfort you prefer not to self-medicate and that is very good. However,  you can naturally relieve some symptoms and avoid possible complications with some homemade remedies.

In the case of a cough, this is a fairly common symptom that you can get rid of in a few days or weeks. There are many natural remedies to do this.

Why do we cough?

Woman coughing.

First of all, the causes of coughing are numerous. The appearance of the symptom may be due to the presence of a cold, bronchitis, flu or allergic reactions, among others.

When the airways are inflamed or contaminated, this causes coughing. It can be dry or phlegmy, depending on its origin and level of complication.

The dry cough usually appears at the beginning of the cold or flu and after a few days a cough with phlegm can appear. The latter is easier to treat and indicates that the body is already expelling the fluids or mucus causing an infection.

Relieve coughs with black pepper, clove and ginger

Pepper, sweet cloves and ginger are beneficial ingredients for our body. In addition, thanks to their properties they are excellent for the respiratory tract.

Relieve a cough with a simple recipe based on them. Also, know what each one does in your body and what its healing virtues are.

Black pepper

Black pepper is a spice used most of the time to flavor foods. However, it has healing properties that you may not be aware of.

  • It has antioxidant and antibacterial properties . This helps strengthen the immune system and prevent or treat infections.

Sweet clove

This ingredient is frequently used for desserts and some infusions. With regard to its therapeutic purposes, it is used above all to treat stomach upset and improve digestion.

  • Sweet spot has properties analgesic, anti – inflammatory, antibacterial and antispasmodic. These make it a good cough treatment.


The ginger is the root of choice for treating respiratory ailments , especially sore throats. However, it is not only beneficial for this specific part of the respiratory system.

  • It has expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.
  • Relieves inflammation of the airways and decongests them. In addition, it is very aromatic and refreshing to combat irritation.

    How to prepare a remedy based on black pepper, sweet cloves and ginger?


    • 1 ginger root
    • 3 whole black peppercorns
    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • 1 teaspoon of sweet cloves (4 g)
    • The juice of 1 lemon


    • First, in a food processor, grind or grind the peppercorns very well.
    • Then, in a pot, bring the cloves and ginger to a boil with the equivalent of a cup of water. Leave it on the fire for a few minutes.
    • Next, add the black pepper to the mixture. Turn off the heat and finally add the juice of a lemon.
    • Take the preparation once or twice a day until the cough disappears .

    An easy and effective treatment that relieves cough

    Infusion with lemon and ginger branch.

    With this remedy you will forget about your cough in a few days. In addition to taking advantage of the properties of black pepper, sweet cloves and ginger, lemon will provide you with a great supply of vitamin C.

    This vitamin is essential in the treatment of respiratory diseases or ailments, as it strengthens the immune system. In this way, if the source of the cough is infectious, the lemon will act quickly.

    Relieve coughs in a few days and improve your health with this natural treatment. Remember to drink the infusion as soon as symptoms appear to avoid complications .

    Early treatment will prevent the infection from progressing or your airways from becoming too swollen. In that case, it will not be necessary to go to invasive and more aggressive treatments with your body.

    See your doctor if the cough doesn’t go away after a few days, as this could indicate the presence of a more complex illness. It will also be necessary to rule out if the origin of the discomfort is allergic or if it is a chronic cough.

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