Tenderloin Ribbon With Orange Sauce

The tenderloin ribbon with orange sauce is a delicious dish and very easy to make. It can be presented both for a conventional day and for a special day. We are going to show you two different ways to make this delicious dish, you will not know which of the two to choose to delight your guests or family.

Tenderloin Ribbon Recipe with Orange Sauce


  • 700 g of fresh tenderloin in one piece
  • 25g butter
  • A splash of cognac
  • 2 oranges
  • A teaspoon of sugar
  • Salt and pepper


  • Casserole
  • Electric or manual juicer
  • A sauce boat


How to buy the best beef tenderloin tape

  • First, let’s take the loin tape and spread it all with butter. We put a casserole on the fire and place it. We will turn so that it is evenly browned on all sides.
  • Second, when the strip of loin begins to brown, we pour a splash of brandy on top and put the heat on high. In this way, we wait for the liquor to evaporate.
  • Third, in a juicer, electric or manual, we will squeeze the two oranges until the juice is obtained.
  • Next, we lower the heat to medium and add the juice of the oranges. Cover the casserole and cook the loin tape for approximately 15 minutes.
  • Once the meat is tender and well cooked (we can prick with a knife or fork to check), we remove it from the casserole.
  • If the oranges with which we have made the juice were a bit sour, we can add a teaspoon of sugar, we continue cooking until it thickens a little, whether we have added sugar or not. If you see that the sauce is too liquid, you can put a tablespoon of cornstarch and wait for it to thicken.
  • Then, let the loin tape cool.
  • Cut into slices or fillets and place on an individual tray or plate. Pour the orange sauce on top.

    Finally, you can accompany the tenderloin ribbon with orange sauce with steamed vegetables, French fries or a complete salad of lettuce, tomato, corn and olives, for example.

    Tenderloin ribbon recipe with orange and carrot sauce 


    • 1 piece of loin of about 400 g
    • 2 glasses of orange juice
    • 4 large carrots
    • 1 large spring onion
    • A glass of orange liqueur or whiskey
    • 1 orange
    • Dill, salt and pepper



    • On this occasion, we will clean the loin tape and rub it with dill, black pepper and coarse salt. In a pot we will put a little oil and brown the flavored loin ribbon. Then we remove it from the pot and reserve.
    • Then, in the same oil, sauté the julienned onion and the carrot into thin slices or small pieces over medium heat.
    • Meanwhile, we squeeze the orange and put half of the juice with the vegetables. We sprinkle dill and wait for it to boil. At that point, we add the tenderloin tape and lower over medium heat. We cover the pot.
    • After ten minutes of cooking, add the orange liqueur or whiskey and stir. Add the rest of the orange juice and add salt if necessary. We stir, cover and cook for another ten minutes. We move again and cook another five minutes.
    • Next, we take out the loin tape and cut it into slices or fillets and place them on a platter or plate.
    • The rest of the ingredients in the pot are crushed with a mixer. We go through the Chinese and remove the lumps.
    • Finally, we pour the sauce on top of the loin tape cut into slices or fillets, or we place it in a sauce boat. Sprinkle dill on top and accompany the dish with some steamed vegetables and bread.

    Data of interest

    To finish, I hope these two recipes are useful to you. They are really delicious and easy to prepare. Although you can also accompany the tenderloin tape with steamed vegetables in the microwave:

    • Cut the vegetables into pieces, for example: cauliflower, broccoli, carrot, lima beans, peas, Brussels sprouts, etc.
    • Wash, drain, and place in a microwave-safe pot with a lid.
    • Add a drizzle of olive oil, a little water, salt and cover the pot.
    • Heat for 8-10 minutes.

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